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Support getting out and about

There is support available to help you get out and about, whatever your level of support need is. This includes help with transport and leisure activities.

If you are disabled and regularly travel in a car as either the driver or passenger, you can apply for a Blue Badge to enable you to park close to your destination.

If you need help getting around the shops, we have a Shopmobility scheme offering wheelchair and scooter hire from the Highcross and Haymarket shopping centres. You can also find out more about buying your own disability aids.

Find out about public transport in Leicester.

DisabledGo has information on disabled access across the UK.

NHS Choices has information on leisure activities such as supported holidays and day activities, while Age UK has information on its befriending service.

Elsewhere on the web

Below are useful guides and factsheets on getting out and about:

  1. Age UK
  2. Independent Age
  3. driving with a disability or a health condition and transport
  4. Keeping safe in hot and cold weather

If you are looking after someone who needs support getting out and about, you might find it useful to visit the Leicester Carers Support Service website.