A to Z
- Calculator
- Car parking charges
- Car parks in Leicester
- Car sharing and car clubs
- Care homes
- Careers advice
- Carers
- Castle Hill Country park
- Casual prices
- CCTV footage request
- Cemeteries
- Cemetery and crematorium fees and charges
- Cemetery fees
- Cemetery prices
- Cemetery records
- Change of circumstances
- Change your council tax address
- Changing places toilets
- Charitable collection licensing
- Child care and nurseries
- Child protection
- Children and young people's justice service
- Children looked after
- Children's health
- Children's parties at leisure centres
- Children's social care
- Citizenship ceremonies
- City Mayor - Peter Soulsby
- City wardens
- Civil ceremony
- Civil partnerships
- Climate emergency
- Climate Ready Leicester
- Climate Ready Leicester
- Climbing Centre
- Coleman Neighbourhood Centre
- College transport for 16-18 year olds
- Colleges and schools
- Comment on planning applications
- Comments, compliments and complaints
- Commercial property and land
- Commercial waste sacks
- Community centres and libraries
- Community equipment loan service
- Community groups
- Community meetings
- Community Safety Partnership Plan
- Community support grant
- Community transport
- Complaints about councillors
- Composting
- Computers, internet and wifi
- Concessionary bus pass
- Concessionary travel for disabled people
- Connecting Leicester
- Connecting Leicester - new proposals
- Connexions
- Conservation
- Constructing Leicester
- Construction Hub
- Consultations and engagement
- Consumer advice
- Contact us
- Contracts and tenders with us
- Cookies
- Copy certificates
- Copyright
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine
- Coroners
- Cossington Street Sports Centre
- Cost of living support
- Council tax
- Council tax and business rates bill enclosures
- Council tax discretionary relief
- Council tax explanatory notes
- Council tenants
- Council tenants advice in bad weather
- Councillors' allowances
- Councillors and wards
- Craft apprenticeships
- Cremation fees
- Cremation memorial prices
- Cremation records
- Cremations
- Crematorium fees
- Crematorium prices
- Crime prevention
- Culture and arts
- Current vacancies
- Customer service centre and self-service
- Cyberbullying
- Cycle maintenance
- Cycle maps
- Cycle parking
- Cycle training courses
- Cycling in Leicester