Linked strategies and documents
There are a range of linked strategies and documents held jointly or by individual agencies.
Leicester City All Age Commissioning Strategy
- Covers commissioning intentions for all age services in the City only from the LA’s position.
Leicester City All Age Market Position Statement
- A statement for the market (providers of services) on the anticipated direction of travel and key messages.
- The city’s strategy for SEND services.
- Details of services and support available to children with SEND and their families.
Leicester City Joint Transitions Strategy
- A strategy for the city, looking at how best to improve the journey into adulthood for young people.
Leicester City Early Help Strategy
- The city’s strategy for providing early help and support.
- A Joint Strategic Needs Analysis (JSNA) looking at the needs of children in Leicester City.
- The Governments long term plan for NHS provision (CYP pages 45-54).
Leicester City Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
- A health and wellbeing strategy for all Leicester residents, including children and young people.
Leicestershire JSNA (CYP Physical Health)
- A Joint Strategic Needs Analysis (JSNA) looking at the needs of children in Leicestershire.
Leicestershire Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
- A health and wellbeing strategy for all Leicestershire residents, including children and young people.
Rutland SEND and Inclusion Strategy
- A strategy for SEND for Rutland Council.
Future in Minds Transformation Plan
- Plan for delivering a range of emotional, mental health and wellbeing services.
- A plan for transforming maternity services.
LLR Learning Disability Strategy
- A strategy for services and support for people with a learning disability
Leicestershire Preparing for Adulthood Strategy
- A protocol for professionals working with young people with SEND.
Leicestershire Whole Life Disability Strategy
- A whole life approach to supporting people with disabilities