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Action plan

Proposals for a year 1 action plan, identifying priority actions using the rank order suggestions from respondents as part of the engagement on the strategy. The proposals for year 2 and 3 rankings are listed in the second table and will be more thoroughly scoped as part of the planning for each year.


The following sets out proposals for a year 1 action plan, identifying priority actions using the rank order suggestions from respondents as part of the engagement on the strategy.  The proposals for year 2 and 3 rankings are listed in the second table and will be more thoroughly scoped as part of the planning for each year.  The group may choose to bring in new actions or to re-prioritise the order if it is felt that a current action is dependent on another taking place.

The Joint Commissioning Delivery Group will hold a more detailed action plan with clear steps to be taken, milestones, leads and timescales to enable the Group to monitor progress.

Action 1 - Ensure we have projections for service need per year group to support allocation of school places and key health and social care provision.

Where do we want to be

All Councils have data and projections to show the volume of provision needed for their area, but this is also viewed on a Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland footprint to look at overall trends and shared with health colleagues to inform whole system planning.

How will we get there

We will each share our data on projections for the level of need for future years. This data will collectively form a picture of the changing need and demand on services we anticipate in future years.

Action 2 - Jointly plan for education, health, and social care provision to best meet the volume and type of need in coming years.

Where do we want to be

This data is shared across health partners as well as Council’s and informs whole system planning e.g. social care, health and areas other than educational placements. Consideration is given to the sharing of resource, particularly for small cohorts (e.g. developing a specialist service for small numbers across the area) or where there is capacity in one area and demand in another.

How will we get there

Using the data from action 1, we will collectively look at the impact this will have on services across education, social care and health and develop plans to ensure we are ready. We will work with our provider markets (internal and external) to ensure plans involve those delivering services.

Action 3 - Ensure a robust quality assurance process is in place for all external service provision. Consider how to hold and share this information across agencies and how to share the load of QA. To include an approved approach to QA for joint funded cases.

Where do we want to be

A system exists for sharing quality concerns or outcomes of quality visits across the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland area. An agreed protocol is in place between Council’s and CCG’s re quality assurance of joint funded placements and the responsibilities/involvement of both parties.

How will we get there

Engage with children, young people and families to ask their views on our QA approach and whether there are additional things they would like us to explore. We will share details of how quality checks are carried out currently. We will look at ways to make this more efficient/reduce duplication. We will agree a protocol setting out how we will look at quality collectively in the future, rather than separately.

Action 4 - Jointly develop a timetabled programme of quality assurance for external provision across the area.

Where do we want to be

All agencies have one overall timetable for quality assurance focus, regularly reviewing and updating this as it changes. All agencies to consider whether there are opportunities for joint visits or agreed leads where timescales are similar.

How will we get there

Linked to action 3 above, we will co-ordinate timetables for quality visits or focus that reduces duplication

Action 5 - Jointly develop a pre, diagnostic and post support pathway for children with Neurodevelopmental needs.

Where do we want to be

A proposed pathway model to be proposed following multi-agency involvement by May 2021. Final proposed pathway to then follow engagement process for feedback at system wide groups.

How will we get there

Parent and Carer Forums continue to be involved at all stages of the pathway development. CYP and Family engagement of proposed model will take place in line with system wide engagement.

Action 6 - Examine how greater flexibility can be introduced for cases that don’t fit with our standard service offer

Where do we want to be

To enhance current provision through Joint Assessment Panel / Joint Solutions Panel.

How will we get there

Review current provision with system leads from Health, Local Authority and Personalisation Teams.

Action 7 - Review our transition/preparing for adulthood plans and approaches, creating opportunities to work together as a system to improve the transition experience for young people.

Where do we want to be

Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland joint system to take this forward as the next joint piece of work, getting to grips with what is needed to improve transition and planning for actions required to make this happen.

How will we get there

We will establish a steering group for transitions. We will draft strategy/plan of action for the area. We will seek the views of parents/carers/children and young people and other interested stakeholders. We will identify what needs doing to improve the transitions experience and the actions needed to ensure this happens. Publish strategy and related action plan and governance structure for taking actions forward

Action 8 - Establish a Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Joint Commissioning Delivery Group for SEND to oversee this action plan

Where do we want to be

A permanent delivery group is established to ensure delivery of the actions contained in this strategy over the next 3 years.

How will we get there

We will approve terms of reference. We will arrange regular meetings to take the work forward. We will agree an action plan to ensure work is delivered.

Action 9 - Jointly review our approach to high need children and young people, ensuring we are innovative and cost effective in our responses to need.

Where do we want to be

Partners have a collective understanding on a definition of ‘high need’. Partners understand the needs of these children and young people and have plans to meet these needs where it falls within the remit of their agency. Strategic co-ordination is in place across the system to set out the plan for these children and to monitor effectiveness Clear arrangements for funding are available and understood.

How will we get there

We will agree on a definition of ‘high need’ for this piece of work. We will take steps to understand the need of these children and young people. We will understand the support offer available in the area to meet this need. We will examine whether there is unmet need, how this could be met and the duties to ensure provision is offered to these children, including funding responsibilities.

Action 10 - Jointly review provision for children and young people who have behaviours that challenge to ensure we are able to deliver a comprehensive offer of support, including key workers when needed.

Where do we want to be

Partners have an understanding of the main impacts of behaviour that challenges e.g. family breakdown, school exclusion etc. Partners have an understanding of what might support in preventing or managing these challenges and what support services already exist for access. Agencies and families are supported with training and understanding around how to prevent and manage these challenges and/or signposted to support agencies. Where necessary, there is a mechanism for escalating concerning cases for additional support to prevent breakdown.

How will we get there

We will look at the impact behavioural challenge can have on children young people, families and the services provided. We will understand the current support offer in the area and best practice from across the country. We will identify any gaps in provision or ways in which the system could be strengthened to ensure support is accessed where needed

Action 11 - Examine the health support needed across our educational settings but particularly those with high clinical need children, to ensure our response is effective.

Where do we want to be

CCG funded provision in schools where there is a statutory responsibility to meet the needs of children at that school. Support to schools wishing to purchase additional support to add to the statutory offer, especially around clinical governance. A good understanding in mainstream schools, likely through SENCO’s, of provision and thresholds.

How will we get there

We will discuss with schools and others working in the system to understand current practice and provision. We will identify arrangements that schools are making directly for provision of health support and the funding arrangements for this. We will identify areas for improvement e.g. through protocols or guidance, through changes to funding arrangements etc.

Action 12 - Collectively review our information, advice and guidance offer to children, young people and families with SEND to examine whether joint approaches would be beneficial.

Where do we want to be

Partners make an informed decision on whether to jointly commission (with jointly commissioned services in place if required)

How will we get there

We will look at each of our current offers/service provision. We will look at the risks and opportunities of commissioning this together rather than separately. We will secure joint provision if this is agreed as the best way forward.

Action 13 - Raise awareness of the Local Offer amongst families and professionals. All partners are contributing relevant, comprehensive and accessible information coproduced with families and young people.

Where do we want to be

Professionals are aware and signpost families to use the Local Offer website. The Local Offer is used to access information and is valued by young people and families. It is responsive to their needs and aspirations. The Local Offer provides clear, comprehensive, accessible and up to date information about the available provision and how to access it. The Local Offer is coproduced with professionals and families to ensure information reflects needs. Local Offer is accessible and reflects the current ways children and families access information and support online

How will we get there

We will work on a joint promotional / communications campaign across LLR to raise awareness amongst families and professionals. We will use platforms and social media channels that are relevant for today’s families to support engagement and be responsive to their needs. We will carry out a mapping exercise of current Health content across LLR to ensure relevant, up to date and consistent information is shared across the 3 areas. Information produced and shared is accessible for young people and remains person centred. We will work to ensure the Local Offer provides clear comprehensive accessible and up to date information about the available provision and how to access it. Utilise existing engagement groups and new mechanisms to inform and develop the Local Offer website. We will use the gaps identified to inform commissioning priorities. We will work together to identify a Local Offer champion in Health and LA.

Cross cutting themes that we should consider when working on each action

  1. How do we involve children, young people and families in this action?
  2. How do we explain this system or these changes to children, young people and families?
  3. How do we approach this action together, as a whole system, including wider partners?
  4. Have we approached this across education, social care and health?
  5. How do we engage, inform and train the workforce on this process or these changes?
  6. How do we ensure early identification and intervention takes place?

Future actions and proposed year order (as per ranking at engagement)

Year 2

  • Gather information on cases where a standard service response has not met need. Build an evidence base to show where changes are needed.
  • Review the information gathered in each agency in relation to outcomes, looking for ways to improve practice and to provide consistent data across the area.
  • Plan a series of service reviews where we feel that provision isn’t currently meeting need or there are opportunities to join up across the area (proposals are listed under priority 7).
  • Continue to develop regional approaches to information sharing in relation to quality of placements out of area.
  • Review the personal budget agenda across organisations and how this links to SEND.
  • Carry out an audit of commissioning expectations in the SEND COP, looking at what we do now and where we need to do more.
  • Jointly review arrangements for joint funded cases to ensure roles and responsibilities are clear and appropriate documentation is in place.
  • Ensure those children with LD/ASD who are at risk of admission to a hospital setting have a key worker identified.
  • Jointly review personal care offer / domiciliary support to understand how best to purchase, provide and quality assure.
  • Jointly review short breaks and respite provision to ensure it best meets need and to clarify who can access.

Year 3

  • Ensure that information collated on placement/service access is captured on systems to allow for easy reporting and analysis. This should include placement cost and details of those refused a service because it was full.
  • Make use of the regional information gathered on education placements to ensure this feeds into decisions and spend on placements.
  • Develop a commissioning dashboard of key information to be reviewed frequently across the area.
  • Look at development of the marketplace for services for young people with SEND, starting with where we are seeing the greatest need or most pressing changes occurring’
  • Review data sharing arrangements in place to ensure these are fit for purpose.
  • Jointly review provision at the hospital school to ensure it reflects demand and meets need.
  • Jointly examine the current Assistive Technology offer and the potential gains in expanding this.
  • Review services for children with a hearing or visual impairment to look for opportunities for greater collaboration.
  • Review system and contractual arrangements for CYP in residential schools to ensure they receive hearing, sight and dental checks.