Social care and education
We develop long-term plans (strategies) to work from so that we can deliver the best possible social care services for Leicester’s children and adult residents.
We have developed a range of documents (PDFs) and web pages that explain our plans for the future. These documents set out what we are doing to make sure that our social care services meet people’s needs for care and support. The documents are listed below, along with a brief a description of what they are about.
All age
- Our Social Care and Education shared goals and commitments (PDF)
- Our Social Care and Education shared goals and commitments include our aims and priorities. All of our work will be underpinned by these commitments.
- All Age Commissioning Strategy 2020-2025 (PDF)
- Sets out our new commissioning intentions for both adults and children’s services
Social Care and Education Provider Hub
- Provides detailed information about current and future needs in Leicester for a range of services for adults, children and young people. The hub sets out our views about how providers might plan for future needs, and indicates future tendering opportunities. This hub now replaces our previous Market Position Statements.
- The Joint Health, Social Care and Education Transitions Strategy 2022-2024
- Produced jointly with Leicester City Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). Sets out an approach to improving the support provided for young people with additional needs as they prepare for adulthood.
- Preparing for Adulthood Strategy 2021-2025
- This strategy is for young people, aged 14 -25 with special education needs and disabilities (SEND) who are moving into adulthood, sometimes referred to as transition. It is also for parent, carers and professionals supporting them and encouraging them to look at the various options and choices the young person can make that will transition them into adulthood.
Children's strategic documents
- Children's Placement Sufficient Strategy (2020-2023)
- Describes our overall approach to supporting all of our children and young people to have a safe place to live and thrive.
- Corporate parenting strategy
- Our approach to supporting care experienced children and young people
- Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Joint Commissioning Strategy 2021-2024
- This strategy forms the first Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Commissioning Strategy for Children and Young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND).
Adults' strategic documents
- Adult Social Care Strategic Priorities
- Sets out ASC’s main purpose and our six strategic priorities.
- Appendices - Supported Living and Extra Care Housing Strategy 2021-2031
- This strategy outlines the plan for developing supported living and extra care services for Leicester.
- Joint Integrated Commissioning Strategy for Adult Mental Health 2021-2025
- Produced jointly with local NHS partners, this strategy outlines how we will focus on prevention, accommodation and employment, education and volunteering, to support the ambition that mental health should have parity of esteem with physical health.
- Produced jointly with local NHS partners, this strategy outlines how we will focus on prevention, accommodation and employment, education and volunteering, to support the ambition that mental health should have parity of esteem with physical health.
- Joint carers strategy 2022-25: recognising, valuing and supporting carers in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland
- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS)
- DOLS provide legal protection to vulnerable people in care or hospital.
- Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Joint Living Well with Dementia Strategy 2024-2028
- Our strategy sets out the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland ambition to support people to live well with dementia. It continues to reflect the national strategic direction outlined in the Prime Minister’s Challenge on Dementia.
- The Big Plan Report
- Our 'big plan' includes things that we think should happen in Leicester to make life better for people with a learning disability.
Education related strategic documents
- Speech, Language and Communication (SLC) Strategy 2021-2025
- This strategy sets out the vision, priorities and success measures for effective speech, language and communication support from pre-birth into adulthood (0-25 years).
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