Children and young people's JSNA
The Children and young people’s (CYP) Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) looks at the health picture for children in the city.
Children and young people’s health and wellbeing sets the foundation for health in adulthood. The CYP Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) provides an understanding of the local picture at the various stages of development from Early years (0-4 years) through to Young Adulthood (20-24 yrs). Children’s health and well-being is both an important goal in itself and also a key priority to improving the overall health of the entire city.
JSNAs are used to inform commissioning decisions to meet community needs, improve health and reduce inequalities.
What approach has this JSNA taken?
The CYP JSNA follow a life course approach which maps out how children’s health needs change as they grow and develop at different stages of their live, and includes the following chapters:
- Overview: Chapter 1 provides demographic and contextual information on CYP in Leicester
- Early years (0-4 years): Chapter 2 provides information on the first 1001 days, childhood vaccinations (<5 years), measures of child development, oral health and hospital admissions
- School years (5-19 years): Chapter 3 includes a data briefing of the health and wellbeing issues for school aged children in Leicester
- Young Adulthood (20-24 years): Chapter 4 to be released at a later date
All of the latest JSNA related materials can be downloaded below. All future updates will be published here.