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Office and phone line closures during festive bank holidays

Our offices and phone lines will be closed between 25-27 December and 1 January. For emergencies please check our out of hours numbers.

In this section

Supplementary planning documents

Supplementary planning documents and guidance (SPDs ) are used to provide more information and guidance on the policies in the development plan.

SPDs can be based on certain topics such as transport or design, or they can be specific to certain places such as Abbey Meadows and Waterside. Leicester has several SPDs which provide additional information on the policies in the Core strategy and the saved policies from 2006 City of Leicester local plan.

List of SPDs

Affordable housing SPD (March 2011)

City centre parking SPD (March 2011)

Climate change SPD (January 2011)

Employment land SPD (December 2007)

Green space SPD and calculations documents adopted April 2011 (revised July 2013)

Leicester Abbey Meadows SPD (April 2007)

Residential amenity SPD (February 2008)

Student housing SPD (June 2012)

Tall buildings SPD (April 2007)

Tree protection guidance SPG (October 2003)


Waterside SPD

Leicester Waterside supplementary planning document

Adoption statement

Consultation statement