Statement of accounts
The annual statement of accounts reports on our financial position at the end of the year and transactions throughout.
Please note that Regulation 16(1) of The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 requires the council to publish (which must include publication on its website) a statement:
- that the audit has been concluded
- that the statement of accounts has been published
- of the rights of inspection conferred in local government electors by section 25 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 and the address at which, and the hours during which, those rights may be exercised.
At this stage whilst the financial statements audit has been concluded, the Auditor hasn’t yet completed their work in relation to consolidation returns, including Whole of Government Accounts (WGA), and the National Audit Office has concluded their work in respect of WGA for the year ended 31 March 2024. The auditors are satisfied that this work does not have a material effect on the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2024.
The council cannot therefore issue this statement.
The notice of conclusion of the audit will be added to the website alongside the audit certificate as soon as this is issued. The final set of audited accounts can be found below.
Please note that Regulation 16(1) of The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 requires the council to publish (which must include publication on its website) a statement:
- that the audit has been concluded
- that the statement of accounts has been published
- of the rights of inspection conferred in local government electors by section 25 of the Act and the address at which, and the hours during which, those rights may be exercised.
At this stage whilst the financial statements audit has been concluded, the Auditor hasn’t yet completed their work on the Authority’s VFM arrangements. The council cannot therefore issue this statement.
The notice of conclusion of the audit will be added to the website alongside the audit certificate as soon as this is issued. The final set of audited accounts can be found below.
Help with documents
If you have problems accessing or viewing the statement of account documents below, please send us an email [email protected].