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Transparency and open data

We are committed to being open and transparent about how we work. Our Open Data website holds the majority of transparency information and open data in one place.

What is open data?

Open data means we offer up non-personal information in accessible, machine readable formats that are easy to view and reuse.

Leicester City Council Open Data

Go to our open data website:

View and download our datasets on suppliers and contracts, transactions, equalities information, staff and others areas.

Using our data

The data is available for you to download and is free to use in a variety of ways. All that we ask is that you use it in accordance with the Open Government Licence which is linked above. This explains what you can and cannot do with the data.

Where possible and relevant, we have made this data available in both a ‘human-readable’ format (such as pdf) and an open, ‘machine-readable’ format that is not dependent on any specific software (such as csv or xml). 

We make data available for re-use under the Re-Use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015. You can apply to re-use our data by reading our Public task statement 2017 (attached at the bottom of this page).

Some of the datasets are available using the links below. 

Redacted data 

Sometimes we must redact some information from data sets. This means we have had to remove some data. This could be because, for example, it is personal data such as the name of a foster carer, or someone's home address. We do this to comply with the Freedom of Information Act which is linked above. 

Quality of data 

We take care to ensure that the data is accurate. However, you should make your own checks before relying on the data. We undertake regular data quality checks through its Information Assurance Team to ensure data accuracy wherever possible. These checks are reported regularly to the Information Management Programme Board.