Proxy voting
You can appoint another person to vote on your behalf in person at the polling station. A person appointed to vote on behalf of another elector is known as a proxy.
When applying to vote by proxy, you must provide us with your date of birth, signature and national insurance number.
An appointed proxy must be 18 years old and older, and currently registered to vote at an address in the UK. A person can only act as a proxy to no more than four electors, with no more than two of whom are resident in the UK.
How to apply
- Apply online at GOV.UK - ensure you provide your national insurance number to avoid delays/rejection
- Download an application to submit electronically or post it to us
- Send us a good quality scanned attachment with a clear signature to [email protected]. Digital signatures will be rejected.
- Post it to: Electoral Services, Leicester City Council, City Hall, 115 Charles Street, Leicester LE1 1FZ
When is the deadline?
The deadline for making an application for a proxy vote is 5pm, six working days before polling day. However, if you are already registered to vote by post, the deadline to change from a postal vote to a proxy vote is 5pm, 11 working days before polling day.
Your appointed proxy must vote in person on your behalf at the designated polling station for the address where you are registered to vote in Leicester. If your proxy is unable to attend your polling station, they should apply to vote by post on your behalf.
Get in touch
If you have any questions regarding completing the proxy vote application form or voting by proxy, please email [email protected]