Presenting a petition

We welcome petitions as a way of residents bringing their concerns to our attention. Petitions can be presented to all our meetings, including community meetings.
Quick links
Petitions can be on any matter we have authority over, or on matters which affect the city. To present a petition you need to live, work or study in the city of Leicester.
What can and can’t be included in a petition?
Petitions must include a clear and concise statement covering the subject and should state what action the petitioners wish the council to take. It should also include a name, qualifying address in the city (including house number and post code) and the signature of any person who supports it. Full contact details of the petition organiser should also be included.
There are certain criteria when a petition will not be accepted, including petitions relating to an individual's circumstances, on behalf of a political organisation, relating to planning or licensing applications, is a statutory petition (meaning, relating to a change in council governance), on a matter where there is an existing right of appeal, or if they are defamatory or contain offensive language. Defamatory means they contain a false statement about someone which harms their reputation.
When should I submit a petition?
Petitions can be submitted at any time, but if you wish to present it to a particular meeting, it must be received at least five clear days before that meeting.
Five clear days excludes the day of submission, the day of the meeting, bank holidays, Saturdays and Sundays.
There are different rules for petitions which have triggered a discussion at a scrutiny commission, or debate at Full Council.
How do I submit a petition?
Get in touch using the contact details at the bottom of the page. Petitions can also be delivered in person to the address below.
What happens next?
We will confirm receipt and send you information on attending the relevant meeting, should you wish to present it in person. However, you will not be able to speak about the petition at the meeting.
We will consider how to address the matter raised, which could include immediate action, or a more detailed investigation. You should receive a final decision on your petition within three months of it being submitted.
Number of signatures
Petitions which attract between 750 and 1,499 valid signatures will trigger the requirement for a senior officer to attend an overview select committee meeting, to give evidence on the request in the petition. This committee has no power to make a decision, but it can recommend a decision to our executive.
Petitions which attract more than 1,500 valid signatures will trigger a debate at a Full Council meeting. In such cases petitions must be received at least 10 working days before the date of the council meeting. You will receive a copy of the report and be invited to attend the meeting where it will be discussed.
What if I feel my petition has not been dealt with properly?
Write to:
Kamal Adatia, City Barrister and Head of Standards
City Hall, 115 Charles Street
Petition scheme
You can view the the full petition scheme, including appendices in part 5, Appendix 7 on Our constitution page.
Contact us
Write to us:
Governance Services
City Hall, 115 Charles Street
Send us an email: [email protected]