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Public question time procedure

The panel accepts questions from members of the public which can be put to the Police and Crime Commissioner at its meetings.

  1. The Agenda for Ordinary meetings of the Panel includes the opportunity for members of the public to ask questions of the Panel members on issues under the purview of the Panel.

  2. The Agenda item will ordinarily allow no more than 10 minutes for this item, though the Chair of the Panel may reduce or extend this in their absolute discretion.


  1. Anyone living, working or studying within the area of the constituent authorities will be entitled to ask questions.


  1. A questioner can submit up to two questions per Panel meeting either in their own right or on behalf of one organisation.


  1. Notice of questions must be received by the Lead Authority for the Panel no later than 15 clear working days before the Ordinary Panel meeting is held.


  1. In order for a question to be accepted, it must relate to the strategic functions of the PCC (including his Police and Crime Plan) and not relate to the operational management of Leicestershire Police *

(* Any questions relating to the operational management of Leicestershire Police will automatically be directed to the Office for the Chief Constable, who will endeavour to respond in accordance with normal practice – the questioner will be notified that it has been forwarded. These questions will therefore not be taken in public at PCP meetings.)


  1. Questions may not:
  • Require the disclosure of exempt or confidential information
  • Repeat a question asked at a Panel meeting in the previous 6 months
  • Be defamatory, frivolous or offensive


  1. In circumstances where a questioner is unable to attend personally or be represented at the Panel meeting at which his/her question is to be considered, the answer will be presented to the Panel and forwarded in writing to the questioner.


  1. Where the questioner or their representative attends the Panel in person to receive the answer to their question, the questioner (or representative as the case may be) may in the Chair’s discretion be permitted to ask one supplementary question on the same subject matter as their original question and to receive an answer orally through the Chair. The purpose of asking a supplementary question shall be to seek clarification upon the reply to the original question.


Questions are to be submitted to the Secretariat to the Police and Crime Panel ([email protected]). Questions submitted 15 working days (or more) prior to the meeting will be taken at that meeting subject to the criteria above.

For information

Meetings of the PCP are webcast live to the public and this footage will be owned by and archived in perpetuity on the website of the Leicester City Council.

The public are reminded that the PCC has his own channels of communication through which the public are encouraged to engage, his direct email address: [email protected].