Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Police and Crime Panel
We are the host authority for the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Police and Crime Panel. The panel is made up of representatives from each of the local councils served by Leicestershire Police across Leicester City, Leicestershire and Rutland. The panel also has two independent members.
Role of the panel
The Police and Crime Panel scrutinises the actions and decisions of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and makes sure that information is available for the public.
The panel will support and challenge the PCC in carrying out their functions. It will focus on important strategic actions and decisions made by the PCC, including whether they have:
- achieved the aims set out in their police and crime plan and annual report
- considered the priorities of community safety partners
- consulted appropriately with the public and victims
The panel has a range of powers to help it carry out its functions and specific responsibilities relating to the police and crime plan and annual report. The panel can:
- make reports and recommendations on the plan and annual report
- publish all reports and recommendations that it makes
- hold public meetings to discuss the annual report
- ask for a professional hearing from HM Inspectorate of Constabulary to appoint an acting PCC if the elected one cannot carry out their role
- hold confirmation hearings for senior staff
- monitor complaints against the PCC and deal with non-criminal complaints
- request the PCC attend panel meetings to answer questions.
Meetings of the panel
For information on panel meetings, see meeting dates and agendas, minutes and reports. Details of the current panel membership.
- Find agenda and reports for meetings up to 11 May 2020 on the Leicestershire County Council website
- Find agenda and reports for meetings after 11 May 2020 on our website
The panel accepts questions from members of the public which can be put to the Police and Crime Commissioner at its meetings. For more information please see our Public questions procedure page.
Panel meeting preparation, attendance, advice and support
- £27,926.81
Miscellaneous meeting costs, IT support, printing and postage
- £2,500.00
Subscriptions/corporate memberships/fees
- £0
Training and networking
- £192.24
Allowances and expenses
- £777
Panel meeting preparation, attendance, advice and support
- £29,816.84
Miscellaneous meeting costs, IT support, printing and postage
- £2,500.00
Subscriptions/corporate memberships/fees
- £540
Training and networking
- £448.56
Allowances and expenses
- £1,000
Panel meeting preparation, attendance, advice and support
- £20,013.43
Miscellaneous meeting costs, IT support, printing and postage
- £2,500
Subscriptions/corporate memberships/fees
- £0
Training and networking
- £256.32
Allowances and expenses
- £1,000
To make a complaint about the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Police and Crime Commissioner the panel has agreed all complaints about the conduct of the Police and Crime Commissioner will initially be dealt with by our Monitoring Officer.
To make a complaint about the Police and Crime Commissioner please write to: The Monitoring Officer, Legal Services Division, Leicester City Council, City Hall, 115 Charles Street, Leicester LE1 1FZ.
Or send an email of your complaint to: [email protected].