My team
Find out the areas that my executive team are responsible for.
Details of responsibilities for each executive member are set out below. As well as their specific portfolios, the executive team work together on several matters that have significant financial or public implications. These include the use of the council's resources, its assets and employees, equalities and community cohesion.
All executive members will be responsible for ensuring that:
- the council consults and works effectively and appropriately with our partners, people who use our services and other stakeholders
- agreed budgets are monitored effectively and adhered to, including driving forward spending reductions that are required to balance our budgets
- the commitments for portfolio areas are understood and delivered over the next four years.
All of the team are expected to be held accountable:
- to the people of Leicester through the media, public meetings and correspondence
- to the council though proper engagement and co-operation with scrutiny and council processes.
Peter Soulsby, City Mayor
Responsible for:
- Strategic planning and regeneration
- Highways and transport (includes flood prevention)
- Street lighting
- Parking
- City centre and market
- Finance
- Property
- Legal
- HR
- Procurement
- Communications
- Digital, data and technology
- Constitution and elections
- Revenues and benefits
- Welfare advice
- Resilience and emergency planning
Councillor Elly Cutkelvin, Deputy City Mayor
Responsible for:
- Housing
- Asylum and migration
- Regulatory services, licensing and enforcement
- Community safety
- Domestic violence
- Waste and recycling
- Street cleaning
- Pollution control
- Planning and development control
- Inward investment
- Economic growth
- Bereavement services
- Heritage and conservation
- Statutory deputy to City Mayor, able to deputise for him if required.
Councillor Mohammed Dawood, Assistant City Mayor
Responsible for:
- Adult social care services
- Commissioning services and contracts
- Independent living
- Safeguarding
- Mental health
- Learning disabilities
Councillor Vi Dempster, Assistant City Mayor
Responsible for:
- Public health
- Museums
- Festivals and events
- Sport and leisure
- Tourism
- Customer services
- Parks, trees and woodlands
- Libraries and community centres
- Allotments and community growing
- Ward community funding
- Democratic services
Councillor Mustafa Malik, Assistant City Mayor
Responsible for:
- Communities
- Adult learning
- Voluntary and community sector
- Jobs and skills
- Equalities
Councillor Elaine Pantling, Assistant City Mayor
Responsible for:
- Schools
- School admissions
- Children's social care
- Early help
- Special educational needs and disabilities
- Youth services
- Youth offending
- Mental health champion
Councillor Manjula Sood, Assistant City Mayor
Responsible for:
- Community engagement
- Community cohesion
- Armed Forces Champion
Councillor Geoff Whittle, Assistant City Mayor
Responsible for:
- Climate readiness and net zero
- Air quality
- Flood planning and water courses
- Active travel and public transport