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Seed Library

Working with TCV (The Conservation Volunteers), we're giving away free packets of seeds to library members, encouraging people to start growing fresh, tasty, healthy veg at home.

The offer is open to anyone living in the city, though you must be a library member to claim your free seeds.

Suitable for planting in the garden, patio or yard pots and even on the window ledge (in a suitable tray or pot), the seeds offer the perfect opportunity to take the first steps to horticultural success.

What type of seeds can I choose?

You can choose up to three packets of seeds (in any combination) from the following list. All seeds are offered on a first-come, first-served basis (whilst stocks last):

  • Coriander
  • Runner beans
  • Rainbow beetroot
  • Spinach beet

We will also be offering the following seeds for the Summer/Autumn:

  • Spinach
  • Rocket
  • Summer sown onions / spring onions
  • Autumn sown peas

How to claim your free seeds

  1. Call 0116 454 0290 or visit your local library to place your order, stating which three packets of seeds you would like and which library you would like to collect them from. You must be a library member to make a claim.
  2. Collect your seeds from your chosen library.

Useful books and magazines

Leicester Libraries have a number of books, e-books and magazines available with tips and advice on allotments, gardening and growing fruit, veg and flowers. Click the link below to view the list of books, e-books and magazine available for borrowing.