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Registering for an online account

Sorry, you will not be able to register for an online account at the moment. Existing users can still continue to use our service. We hope to have this fixed soon.

Reductions for disabled people

You may qualify for a reduction in council tax if you or someone that lives with you is disabled, and your home is specially adapted to their needs.

You may qualify if your home has at least one of the following features:

  • A room, but not a bathroom, kitchen or toilet that is used mainly for meeting the disabled person's needs
  • A second bathroom or kitchen required for meeting the disabled person's needs
  • Enough floor space for the disabled person who needs to use a wheelchair indoors.

If you do qualify for a reduction and your home is in the band range B to H, your council tax bill will be based on the valuation band immediately below the one that is allocated to your home in the valuation list. If your home is already in band A, you will be given a 1/9th reduction on that charge. The disabled person reduction will be shown on your bill but it will not show in the valuation list.
We will need to visit you to confirm that your home meets the requirements, and we may also ask you to provide proof from the disabled person's doctor or other qualified professional that the disabled person needs the extra space or room due to their disability.
If we do not give you the reduction and you disagree with our decision you can make an appeal.

Contact us

Ring us on: 0116 454 1005
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