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Registering for an online account

Sorry, you will not be able to register for an online account at the moment. Existing users can still continue to use our service. We hope to have this fixed soon.

Student-related discounts

You are classed as a full-time student if you meet the criteria outlined below.

Full-time higher education students

You need to be on a university or college course that lasts for at least one academic year, takes at least 24 weeks a year, and involves at least 21 hours of study a week in term time. If you attend Leicester or De Montfort University their registry will send us a list of all students to help confirm your status.  If you go to any other establishment we recommend you ask your registry to give you a student certificate and send it to us to prove your student status.

Full-time further education students

You need to be under 20 years of age, studying for more than three months and at least 12 hours each week for a qualification up to A-Level, ONC or OND standard. Correspondence courses, evening classes or job-related courses like those done on day-release are not included.

Student nurses

You need to be on a course that leads to registration under any of parts 1 – 6, or 8 of the register maintained under the Nurses, Midwives & Health Visitors Act 1979.

Non-British spouses or dependants

You need to be a non-British spouse or dependant of a student, and you need to be prevented by the terms of your permission to be in the UK from taking paid employment or from claiming benefits.

Foreign language assistants

You need to be registered with the Central Bureau for Educational Visits and Exchanges.

18 and 19 Year Olds

You need to be in full time further education at school or college on 30th April in the year you leave school. You will be disregarded until November of the same year.

How do I claim?

  • Get further information using the links provided above in 'quick links'