Discounts, exemptions and reductions
You may be entitled to certain council tax discounts and exemptions, depending on your personal circumstances.
You may be entitled to a discount on your council tax bill in certain circumstances.
Some properties are exempt from council tax, which means there is no charge to pay.
You may be able to claim a discount or exemption, depending on how many people still live at the deceased person’s property.
You may qualify for a reduction in council tax if you or someone that lives with you is disabled, and your home is specially adapted to their needs.
Council tax support can help to pay up to 80 per cent of your bill if you are on a low income and have savings less than £6,000, or up to 100 per cent if you are on a low income, have savings less than £6,000 and live in a vulnerable household. Pension-age support can help towards 100 per cent of your bill if you are on a low income and have savings less than £16,000.
You may be able to claim further support in the form of a short-term reduction in your council tax payments even if you already receive up to the maximum 80% council tax support.
A newly-build house which is unoccupied and unfurnished is entitled to an initial one-month exemption from council tax, providing it remains empty.