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Venue announcements

If you wish to host marriage ceremonies or civil partnerships at your venue, you must first apply for approval. We publish applications online.

We wish to give notice that the following have applied for a venue to be approved under Section 26 (1)(bb) of the Marriage Act 1949, as amended under Section 6 (3A)(a) of the Civil Partnership Act 2004 as amended) and Marriage and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) Regulations 2005.

Where can I get a copy of the application/plan?

A copy of the application and the plan accompanying it which shows the room(s) to be used has been placed on deposit at the Register Office, Town Hall, Leicester, LE1 9BG, where it may be inspected free of charge during normal office hours.

What can I do if I have an objection to the premises being approved?

Any person who wishes to object to these premises being approved may do so in writing to the Head of Registration and Coronial Services, Town Hall, Town Hall Square, Leicester, LE1 9BG, stating his/her reasons within 21 days from the publication of this advertisement. 

Applications submitted

Name of applicant: Teresa Maguire    
Address: National Space Centre, Exploration Drive, Leicester, LE4 5NS

Name of applicant: HICP Ltd     
Address: Holiday Inn Leicester, St Nicholas Circle, Leicester, LE1 5LX

Name of applicant: Dennis Pisarenco
Address: VOCO Leicester,  101 Welford Road, Leicester, LE2 7QS.