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We look after Belgrave, Saffron Hill, Welford Road cemeteries and Gilroes Cemetery and Crematorium. We provide burial, cremation and memorial facilities in Leicester and Leicestershire.

You can also contact us for advice on burial and crematorium facilities; the purchase and maintenance of graves and memorial information, using the contact details at the bottom of the page.

Incidents and issues, such as graffiti and blocked drains at cemeteries, can be reported online using the quick link above.

Cemetery closing times

Our cemeteries are open from dawn to dusk all year round. The cemetery gates will be locked at the following times throughout the year. 

Closing times

Dates Closes
From 1 January 5pm
From 24 January 6pm
From 14 February 6.30pm
From 27 March 8pm
From 11 April 9pm
From 15 August 8pm
From 12 September 7pm
From 3 October 6.30pm
From 30 October to 31 December 5pm

Contact us

Write to us: Bereavement Services, Leicester City Council, Gilroes Crematorium, Groby Road, LE3 9QG
Ring us on: 0116 454 1016
Send us a message