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Council tax support

Council tax support covers up to 100 per cent of your bill for vulnerable households and up to 80 per cent for others, provided you or your partner have a low income and savings under £6,000. Pension-age support can cover up to 100 per cent if you have a low income and savings under £16,000.

What does the scheme take account of? 

  • Your needs
  • Your capital
  • Your household income
  • Band of your property
  • Upper limit - maximum support is 100 per cent of the charge for your tax band

Below is a grid detailing the level of help you may receive based on your household situation and income:

Vulnerable - weekly net income after tax and N.I. 

Income band Discount Single person Couple with no children Couple or lone parent with one child/young person Couple or lone parent with two or more children/young persons Couple or lone parent with three or more children/young persons
1 100% £0 to £150 £0 to £150 £0 to £150 £0 to £200  £0 to £250 
2 80% £150.01 to £225 £150.01 to £225 £150.01 to £300  £200.01 to £350  £250.01 to £400 
3 60% £225.01 to £275 £225.01 to £275 £300.01 to £350  £350.01 to £400  £400.01 to £450 
4 40% £275.01 to £325 £275.01 to £325 £350.01 to £400  £400.01 to £450  £450.01 to £500 
5 20% £325.01 to £375 £325.01 to £375 £400.01 to £450  £450.01 to £500  £500.01 to £550 
6 0% £375.01+ £375.01+ £450.01+  £500.01+  £550.01+ 


Other - weekly net income after tax and N.I. 

Income band Discount Single person Couple with no children Couple or lone parent with one child/young person Couple or lone parent with two or more children/young persons Couple or lone parent with three or more children/young persons
1 100% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
2 80% £0 to £150 £0 to £150 £0 to £150 £0 to £200  £0 to £250 
3 60% £150.01 to £225 £150.01 to £225 £150.01 to £300  £200.01 to £350  £250.01 to £400 
4 40% £225.01 to £275 £225.01 to £275 £300.01 to £350  £350.01 to £400  £400.01 to £450 
5 20% £275.01 to £325 £275.01 to £325 £350.01 to £400  £400.01 to £450  £450.01 to £500 
6 0% £325.01+ £325.01+ £400.01+  £450.01+  £500.01+ 

The full rules governing our scheme are available at the bottom of this page. In summary: 

• Vulnerable households can now receive up to a maximum of 100 per cent council tax support, and household not classed as vulnerable can continue to receive up to 80 per cent council tax support.

• Support has now been capped to a band C value for vulnerable households – for the amount of £2,140.20. This means that if you live in a property that is above band C the most you will receive is £2,140.20. Support for non-vulnerable households will continue to be capped at 80 per cent of a band B value – meaning the most you will receive is £1,498.14.

• You will have to pay the full tax bill if you have more than £6,000 or £16,000 if you are of pensionable age in savings or investments (some savings/investments are exempt).

• Your entitlement will be calculated using the grids shown above, and the level of support you receive will be based on whether your household is classed as either vulnerable or non-vulnerable, your household composition (who is residing in the property) and weekly net income (after tax and N.I. contribution).

• Deductions for other adults in the household (non-dependant deductions) no longer vary based on their income, and are set at £5.88 per week (20%).

• We have removed the second adult rebate, where some people used to get a reduction on their tax bill if another adult, who wasn’t their partner, lived with them.

Before you apply you'll need to know:

• What benefits you already receive
• Your national insurance number
• A copy of your passport or ID

How to apply

Other support to help pay 

The council tax discretionary relief could also help if you are struggling to pay. 

If you are struggling with the rise in living costs, visit our cost of living support page. 

You may be entitled to certain council council tax discounts and exemptions, depending on your personal circumstances. Find out more on our discounts, exemptions and reductions page.  

Universal credit 

If you have applied for universal credit and you are liable for council tax you will still need to apply for support.

If you have not previously had a council tax support claim with Leicester City Council, please fill in the council tax support – new claim form.

If you have previously had a council tax support claim with Leicester City Council, you can manage your claim by registering/logging on to your online account.