Travel plans in Leicester

More and more businesses in Leicester are experiencing the benefits which an effective travel plan can bring to their organisation.
We encourage all businesses, organisations and residential developments to make informed travel choices on how they get about to help reduce: travel-to-work and parking congestion, business journey costs and carbon footprints through developing travel plans.
What are the benefits of a travel plan?
By introducing an effective employer travel plan, a business can benefit through:
- reducing its reliance on car travel
- significant cost savings through cutting mileage claims and decreasing car park maintenance costs
- improving its efficiencies and productivity by reducing travel time and the number of car journeys made by staff
- improving access for all users to the site
- increasing sustainable travel awareness for all users of the site
- having a healthier and happier workforce which helps in recruiting and retaining staff
- improving access for all users
- helping a business meet its corporate social responsibility (ISO 14001 targets).
Aims and objectives of a travel plan
- Help reduce the impact of transport on the local environment and increase the awareness of sustainable travel access (through promoting and marketing initiatives for car share, bus travel, walking, cycling, working from home, adopting flexi working, and adopting to audio/tele-conferencing) to all users of the site
- Include measures to encourage and monitor an increase of travel choice to the site, and reduce the dependency on the car (particularly for journeys under 5km by single occupancy users) through promoting measures that discourage unnecessary car use for all users of the site over a given time.
- Discourage irresponsible on and off site parking for all users of a site through adopting a strategy to manage parking, limit inconvenience to local residents and reduce the risk of accidents.
We provide free help, advice and guidance on travel plans, which are specific to each organisation. Information on the various elements covered by a travel plan are listed in our 'travel plan guidance' document.
For any queries please contact Bal Minhas on 0116 454 2849 or send an email to [email protected].
Further information
The following are useful websites to assist and help developers in creating an effective travel plan.
All you need to know about travel planning.
Seeking planning permission and best practice advice for site development
- National Planning Policy Framework (specifically section 4 'Promoting sustainable travel') at GOV.UK
- DfT Travel Plan overarching principles
- Our essential guide to travel planning in Leicester (PDF)
- Thresholds to establish when a planning related travel plan is required
- Leicester City parking standards (PDF)
- The essential guide to travel planning (PDF)
- Good Practice Guidelines: delivering travel plans through the planning process
- Building sustainable transport into new developments (PDF)
- Making residential travel plans work (PDF)
All you need to know for commuting, business or leisure trips.