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Roads and pavements

It is our responsibility to maintain roads and pavements in Leicester, and ensure they are in a safe and tidy condition.

Among the many areas we are responsible for are:

  • Repairing potholes
  • Maintaining street lighting
  • Gritting roads in winter
  • Maintaining bridges, subways and highway structures
  • Dealing with road, footpath, verge and highway obstructions
  • Dealing with flooded roads, blocked drains or gullies.
  • Maintaining street nameplates
  • Street apparatus/furniture, like traffic lights, road signs, benches/bollards etc.
  • Road markings.

Minor fees and charges

Description Cost
Advisory Disabled Bay £220, no VAT
Remark of Advisory Disabled Bay (ADP) £220, no VAT

Description Cost
Traffic signal data information £350 +VAT
Traffic signal switch on/off £600 +VAT
Traffic survey info (data less than 12 months) £160 +VAT
Traffic survey info (data more than 12 months) £80 +VAT

Description Cost
Accident requests for individual junctions and entry roads £175 +VAT
Accident data requests for multiple junctions on same road link. Large areas fee quote £280 +VAT

Description Cost
Information for insurance companies £113

Enquire about tourist and temporary road signs

Details of brown tourist signs and yellow temporary signs on the road are given in our Signing Policy (PDF). There is a charge for these signs which can be found below

To check if a street is classified enter the details here: Map - FindMyStreet.

Please note: It takes at least 12 weeks to design and install a new road sign after the payment has cleared.

Description Cost
Pre-application advice and check compliance with Signing Policy No charge
Application fee for compliance £175 (No VAT)
Supply and fix per sign less than 0.6m2 on existing post £100 (No VAT)
Supply and fix signs greater than 0.6m2 or needing new post Actual cost

Description Cost
‘Keep clear’ markings £330
Section 50 licence to work on highway £307
Section 50 licence for new apparatus £500
Section 50 license for existing apparatus £300
Section 171 temporary excavation license £300
Supervise & record trial hole excavations  £307
Bollards to protect private property Actual cost

Description Cost
Emergency Closure up to 21 days £600
TTRN (Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice) – Up to 5 days for utilities (no advert required) £300
TTRN (Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice) – Up to 5 days for charity, community events etc (no advert required) £170
TTRO (Temporary Traffic Regulations Order) – over 5 days, up to 18 months (advert required) £650 + advert costs
£1,850 (external
Permanent closure of highway (under the Highway Act 1980 - Section 116) Actual cost (minimum fee
£3,020 - no VAT)
Permanent closure of highway to allow permitted
development (Town & Country Planning Act 1990 - Section 247)
No charge
Permanent closure or diversion of footpath or
bridleway to allow permitted development (Town & County Planning Act 1990 – Section 257)
Actual cost (minimum fee
£3,020 - no VAT)

Cat 0-2 or traffic sensitive Cost
PAA £105
Major works: over 10 days and works requiring a traffic regulation order £240
Major works: 4-10 days £130
Major works: up to three days £65
Standard activity £130
Minor activity £65
Immediate activity £60
Permit variation £45


Cat 3-4 or traffic sensitive Cost
PAA £75
Major works: over 10 days and works requiring a traffic regulation order £146
Major works: 4-10 days £75
Major works: up to three days £42
Standard activity £75
Minor activity £42
Immediate activity £37
Permit variation £35

Description Cost
Section 142 Cultivation of the Highway Actual cost
Licence for a structure on the Highway £180 for initial licence

£180 for renewal
Construction in the highway e.g. access ramps (under the Highways Act 1980 - Section 177) Actual cost (minimum fee £835) (no VAT)
Construction over the highway e.g. a canopy
(Highways Act 1980 Section 177)
Actual cost (minimum fee £360) (no VAT)
Placing apparatus over the Highway, e.g. beam or cable (Highways Act 1980 - Section 178) Actual cost (minimum fee £360) (no VAT)
Tower Crane Licences £125+ £50 per week inspection for duration (no VAT)
Highway enquiries involving production of a plan, or completion of search based upon the standard highway questions within a local authority land charge search. £60 (no VAT)
Construction of footway crossing – light/heavy duty temporary crossing Initial fee + cost of actual works + Section 184

Section 278

All agreements will be subject to charges for administration, design, technical approval, site inspection, and street lighting design and supervision. See S278 notes below.

Basic charge

Fixed percentage at 13% of the bond value for highway works (excluding commuted sums), or a minimum fee of £5,000 An interim payment of £3,000 is required to commence the technical approval process for each agreement. In addition, each agreement will be subject to legal fees as charged by our Legal Services.


  1. None of the fees payable under S278 agreements will be subject to VAT.
  2. Additional charges will be based upon actual costs for the design checking and site inspection of highway structures, including sustainable drainage systems (SUDS) and non-drainage systems.
  3. If the works are not complete after the time limit specified in the agreement, a supplementary or new agreement will be required with additional charges for administration, design, technical approval, site inspection, and street lighting design and supervision. The additional fee will be charged at the relevant annually advertised which fees, currently detailed as follows. Fixed percentage of 3% of the cost of the uncompleted works, or a minimum fee of £5,000.

Section 38

All agreements will be subject to charges for administration, design, technical approval, site inspection, and street lighting design and supervision. See S88 notes below.

Basic charge

Fixed percentage at 10% of the bond value for highway works (excluding commuted sums), or a minimum fee of £5,000 An interim payment of £3,000 is required to commence the technical approval process for each agreement. In addition, each agreement will be subject to legal fees as charged by our Legal Services.


  1. None of the fees payable under S38 agreements will be subject to VAT.
  2. Additional charges will be based upon actual costs for the design checking and site inspection of highway structures, including sustainable drainage systems (SUDS) and non-drainage systems.
  3. If the works are not complete after the time limit specified in the agreement, a supplementary or new agreement will be required with additional charges for administration, design, technical approval, site inspection, and street lighting design and supervision. The additional fee will be charged at the relevant annually advertised which fees, currently detailed as follows. Fixed percentage of 3% of the cost of the uncompleted works, or a minimum fee of £5,000.

Description Cost
Application fee (non-refundable) £50
Permit for construction (non-refundable) £100

Local services departures

Description Cost per departure
First 1-10 departures £5 + VAT
Next 11-50 departures £2.50 + VAT
Next 51-100 departures £1 + VAT
Every departure thereafter £0.50 + VAT

Long distance coach departures (St Margaret's Bus Station only)

  • £0.50 per departure + VAT
  • Subject to a minimum fee of £100 + VAT

*By operator not service

Bus stop suspension charges

Description Cost
Basic Bus Stop Suspension £100
Enhanced Bus Stop Suspension (delivery/collection temporary bus stop, bag/unbag suspended stop £300
Emergency Call Out (Less than 5 working days’ notice) £300 + £200
Aborted / Cancelled Visit (Less than 2 working days’ notice £150
On site damage repair Charged at cost