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Get a parking permit

Apply for a resident, visitor, business, contractor, maintenance or student parking permit.

Our parking permits are now digital, meaning you no longer have to display a printed permit in your vehicle. Our enforcement officers scan vehicle number plates to check whether a vehicle has a valid parking permit.

We have reviewed our fee structure for residents' parking charges. The new charges apply to new permits and renewals from 1 April 2025 as follows:

  • Residents parking permit: £35
  • Annual visitor permit: £40
  • Visitor and maintenance permits: £2 for 24 hours

You can buy (and make changes) to a permit via the MiPermit link below, where you will find the full list of virtual parking permits currently available in Leicester.

Are you an existing permit holder?

If you are an existing permit holder, you should register with MiPermit when your current permit is due to expire, or if a change to the permit is required. Please note that all paper based permits remain valid until they expire. 

Register, apply or renew

Do you need help with your application?

If you are elderly, vulnerable or digitally restricted and require assistance with an application, please contact [email protected], or write to us at: Parking Permits, PO Box 8459, Leicester, LE1 8AW.

Trouble with your account?

If you require technical assistance logging on, you should call the MiPermit helpline on 0345 520 7007. Alternatively, email [email protected].

Where are the permit zones?

You can view list of eligible addresses below.


Street Eligible addresses Zone
Abingdon Road All properties E
Abingdon Walk All properties E
Adderley Road All properties K
Alderton Close All residential properties G
All Saints Road (Residents only) 37 – 79 odds only P
Andover Street 9 - 21 odds, 32 - 38 evens E
Ariane Place All properties J
Ashford Road 4 - 8 events K
Avenue Road extension 1 – 95 odd, 173 – 315 odd, 90, 94 – 118, 122 – 274 evens  
Ashleigh Road 1 - 39 odds, 2 - 52 evens F
Avon Street All properties E
Aylestone Road 65 - 101 odds B


Street Eligible addresses Zone
Barclay Street 1 - 163 odds, 2 - 166 evens F
Bartholomew Street All properties E
Beaconsfield Road All properties F
Beagle Close All properties J
Beckingham Road All properties E
Bede Street 1 - 23 odds, 46 - 62 evens, 109 – 112 odds and evens F
Bisley Street All properties F
Bonnington Road All properties K
Braunstone Gate Residents and businesses: 1 – 13 odds, 19 – 21 odds, 25 – 37 odds, 47 – 79 odds, 22 – 26 evens, 36 – 44 evens, 52 – 54 evens, 66 Businesses only: 2 – 20, 26 – 36, 58 - 64 F
Brazil Street 9 - 33 odds, 12 - 56 evens B
Brentwood Road 3 – 21 odds, 4 – 6 evens K
Briton Street All properties except 45A E
Brookhouse Avenue All properties E
Brookhouse Street All properties E
Brookland Road 2, 4 evens K
Browning Street 46, 48, 50, 53, 55 F and F1
  1 – 51 Odds, 2 – 44 evens F
Bruce Street All properties F
Bulwer Road All properties K
Burnmoor Street 7 - 87 odds, 10 - 36 evens B
Buttermere Street 17 only B


Street Eligible addresses Zone
Cambridge Street All properties F
Cecilia Road All properties K
Central Avenue The Coach House, Ambleside, Odd 1-23, Evens 4-30 K
Cedar Road All properties E
Celt Street All properties F
Chaucer Street All properties E
Churchill Street All properties E
Clarendon Park Road Odds 71-75, 79-165, 171-199, 6 – 296, 201 - 325 K
Clarendon Street 85 - 89 odds, 94 - 134 evens D
Coleman Road 252 - 326 evens H
College Avenue All properties E
College Street All properties E
Conduit Street 44 only E
Conifer Close All properties E
Coniston Avenue 1 only B
Connaught Street All properties E
Coriander Road All properties C
Cradock Road 1-8, 10-43, 45 K
Cranmer Street All properties F
Cross Road All properties K


Street Eligible addresses Zone
Discovery Road All properties J


Street Eligible addresses Zone
East Avenue All properties K
East Park Road 255 - 345 odds E
Eastleigh Road All properties F
Edensor Street 1 and 2 N
Edward Road All properties K
Equity Road All properties F
Evington Footway All properties E
Evington Place All properties E
Evington Road

1 - 126 odds and evens, 129 and 131.

Excluded property 2C
Exploration Drive 49 – 55 odds J


Street Eligible addresses Zone
Filbert Street 103 - 189 odds, 104 - 112 evens B
Filbert Street East 1 - 31 odds, 2 - 54 evens B
Fleetwood Road All properties K
Fleetwood Court All properties K
Fosse Road South 101 - 193 odds, 2 - 228 evens, 239, 241, 243 and 245 F


Street Eligible addresses Zone
Gainsborough Road All properties K
Gaul Street All properties F
Glebe Street All properties, excluding property 2 E
Gordon Avenue All properties E
Gotham Street All properties E
Grasmere Street 41 - 137 odds, 28 - 158 evens D
Grand Union Embankment (Residents only) All properties P
Greenhill Road All properties K
Guilford Street All properties E


Street Eligible addresses Zone
Hamilton Street All properties E
Harrow Road 179, 181, 183 F and F1
  1 – 177 odds and evens F
Hartopp Road All properties K
Hazel Street 1 - 43 odds, 2 - 38 evens B
Herschell Street

Residential: 1 – 47 odds, 51 – 69 odds, 2 – 52 evens

Businesses: 49
Highfield Street All properties E
Hinckley Road 2 - 88 evens F
Hobart Street All properties E
Howard Road Odds 1-53, 59-79, Evens 2, 26-36, 40-112, 114 - 192, 81 – 175 K


Street Eligible addresses Zone
Ivy Road All properties F


Street Eligible addresses Zone
Jarrom Street 93 - 167 odds, 102 - 216 evens D
Jarvis Street (Residents only) 20 – 36 evens only P


Street Eligible addresses Zone
Keble Road All properties K
Kilby Lane (Residents only) All properties P


Street Eligible addresses Zone
Lancaster Road 2 - 42 evens A
Landseer Road All properties K
Latimer Street All properties F
Leicester Street 70 – 76 (evens only L
Leopold Road All properties K
Limekiln Road (Residents only) All properties P
Lincoln Street All properties E
Livingstone Street All properties F
London Road Residents: 50, 52, 60 - 220 evens, Businesses: 70, 72, 94a, 94b, 128 and 130 E
Lorne Road All properties K
Lower Hasting Street 15 - 43 odds A
Luther Street All properties F
Lytham Road All properties K
Lytton Rd All properties K


Street Eligible addresses Zone
Mandora Lane All properties E
Mayfield Road

Residents: 11 – 23 odds, 12 – 30 evens

Businesses: 23, 23B, 25, 32
Medway Street All properties E
Melton Road 279, 279A N
Mere Road 311 - 319 odds and evens, 278 and 340 E
Mill Hill Lane All properties E
Mint Road All properties except 1, 3, 5, 8, 10 and 12 C
Montague Road 1–28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 46-62, Odd 43–101 and Even 66–98 K
Mundella Street All properties E
Myrtle Road All properties E


Street Eligible addresses Zone
Narborough Road 1 - 203 odds, 2 - 210 evens F
New Bridge Street 48, 62 and 64 A
Newtown Street 1 - 11 odds, 2 - 42 evens A
Noel Street All properties F
Norman Street All properties F
North Avenue All properties K
North Lock Road (Residents only) All properties P
Nottingham Road 54A – 64 (evens only) L


Street Eligible addresses Zone
Onslow Street All properties E
Orlando Road All properties K
Oxford Avenue All properties E
Oxford Road All properties K


Street Eligible addresses Zone
Paton Street 1 - 63 odds, 67 - 71 odds, 2 - 72 evens F
Pingle Wharf Approach (Residents only) All properties P
Prebend Street All properties E
Portland Road All properties K
Princess Road West 59, 61 only A


Street Eligible addresses Zone
Queens Road 28, Evens 36-94, Odds 43-111, 104 – 140 evens, 135 – 151, 231, 233 odds K


Street Eligible addresses Zone
Raeburn Road All properties K
Rawson Street 3 - 25 odds A
Regent Road 1 - 95 odds, 46 - 58 evens A
Ridley Street 45, 47, 49 50, 52, 54, 56 F and F1
  1 – 43, 51 – 63 odds 2- 48, 58 – 106 evens F
Ripon Street All properties E
Roman Street All properties F
Roseberry Street 1 – 16, 18 – 22 (evens only), 23 – 67 (odds only L
Ruding Road All properties F
Ruding Terrace All properties F
Rydal Street 1 - 37 odds, 2 - 40 evens D


Street Eligible addresses Zone
Sage Road All properties except 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 and 17 C
Sawday Street 4 - 28 evens and 1 B
Saxby Street All properties E
Saxon Street All properties F
Severn Street All properties E
Seymour Street All properties E
Seymour Road All properties K
Shaftesbury Road All properties F
Sheffield Street All properties F
Skipworth Street All properties  
Soar Lane (Residents only) All properties  
Sparkenhoe Street 35 - 59 odds E
Springfield Road Odds 1, 25 – 55
Evens 4, 6, 14 – 48
Stanfell Road All properties K
Stafford Street Odds 1 – 39, 47 – 95 Evens 4 – 34, 42 - 78 N
St Albans Road All properties E
St James Road All properties E
St James Terrace All properties E
St Leonards Road Park House, Evens 52-104, 108-126, Odds 23-119, 128 to 156 evens and 121 to 157 odds K
St Peters Road 1 - 23 odds E
St Stephens Road All properties E
Stuart Street All properties F
Sykefield Avenue 4, 5, 7, 9 F and F1
1, 2, 3, 11- 57 odds 6 – 56 evens F
Swan Place (Residents only) All properties P


Street Eligible addresses Zone
Tarragon Road All properties C
Tennyson Street All properties E
The Avenue 1 K
Thirlmere Street 1 - 45 odds D
Thurlow Road All properties K
Thyme Close All properties C
Tichborne Street All properties E
Tower Street 1 - 23 odds, 2 - 72 evens A
Turner Street 1 - 7 odds, 2 - 16 evens A
Tyndale Street All properties F


Street Eligible addresses Zone
Ullswater Street 1 - 67 odds, 2 - 58 evens D
Upper King Street 1 - 29 odds, 2 - 24 evens A
Upper Tichborne Street All properties E
Upperton Road 1 - 93, 97 - 179 odds, 4 - 20, 24 - 106 evens, 114 and 116 F


Street Eligible addresses Zone
Victoria Avenue All properties E
Victoria Park Road 284 – 366 evens K
Victoria Terrace All properties E


Street Eligible addresses Zone
Walnut Street 2 - 30 evens, 110 - 144 evens

211 - 219 odds and 177

Walton Street All properties F
Welford Road 80 - 112 evens A
Welford Road Odds 203 – 351, Evens 170 - 346 K
Welland Street All properties E
West Avenue Evens 2-36, Odds 7-63 K
West Street 5 - 51 odds, 6 - 48 evens and 1 A
Westcotes Drive 1 - 55 odds, 2 - 140 evens F
Western Boulevard Flats A - F numbers 53 - 59 C
Westbury Road All properties K
Western Road

1, 3, 8, 10, 12, 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 36, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45 and 70.

53 - 119 odds, 161 - 251 odds, 122 - 378 evens, 47 - 52 odds and evens.

Flats 29, 42, 55, 68, 78 the River Buildings at number 26 Western Road,

Flats 34, 47, 60, 73, 83, 88 the River Buildings at number 28 Western Road
Westleigh Road All properties F
Wilberforce Road All properties F
Windermere Street 1 - 83 odds, 2 - 62 evens D
Woodbine Avenue All properties E

Frequently asked questions

A digital permit is purchased online and replaces a paper permit. No permit is required to be displayed within the vehicle as our civil enforcement officers can check your details on their handheld machines.

The digital permit provides much greater protection against fraud and should eliminate misuse. As there is no physical permit, your permit cannot be lost or stolen. Virtual permits cannot fall from view so there is no risk of receiving a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) for failing to clearly displaying a permit.

Unfortunately, due to Data Protection we are unable to transfer your data across and you will have to reapply for a permit when your current paper permit expires. Your paper based permit will remain valid until it expires.

If you cannot access the internet please email [email protected] and we will assist you with your application. Alternatively a family member or friend can also apply on your behalf.

Log in to your MiPermit account, go to ‘Manage Digital Permit’ and edit the vehicle registration. The change is instant.

You can change your permit to another vehicle as many times as you like for free. This can be useful if you have a company vehicle or a courtesy car. Simply log into your account go to ‘Manage Digital Permit’ and edit the vehicle registration. The change is instant.

You will be able to manage your address via your MiPermit online account. A pro-rata refund is offered as part of this process.

If you hold a MiPermit account, you will receive an email advising that your permit is due for renewal around three weeks before the renewal date. A link to renew your permit will be contained within this email.

You will be able to purchase visitor permits via your MiPermit account.

Yes. It is very important to make sure that when using the MiPermit system, that you register your vehicle accurately. This includes using a zero when appropriate rather than the letter ‘O’ and vice-versa. Any errors made when logging your vehicle registration mark with us could result in a Penalty Charge Notice being issued as our civil enforcement officers may not be able to validate any cashless parking stays created.

Blue badge holders are exempt from the annual permit charge. All disabled persons who hold a blue badge who are residents at an address within a parking permit area will be eligible for a free permit for their personal use upon application. The free permit issued to the disabled resident will count towards the number of permits allocated to that property.

Your permit entitles you to park in any available space for permit holders within the zone for which the permit is issued. A permit does not entitle the holder to park where there are waiting restrictions (single/double yellow line/s) or to exceed time limits. Permit holders are expected to use consideration when parking and to not block access ways etc. Permit holders who consistently park without consideration of others may have their permit withdrawn. The issue of a permit does not carry with it any guarantee that a parking space will always be available.