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Your search for town hall returned 37 results.

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Personalising your ceremony

You can request some changes to your marriage or civil partnership service, depending on time available and other restrictions.

Computers, internet and wifi

We provide free computing, internet and wifi facilities to library members. All our libraries have public computers and free wifi.

EU Settlement Scheme

The deadline for applying for most people was 30 June 2021. You can still apply if that deadline did not apply to you, or you have reasonable grounds for not applying by the deadline.

Architectural feature lighting grants

We are offering grants of up to £30,000, to owners and occupiers of Leicester buildings of architectural merit, who wish to install architectural feature lighting to improve our city.

Join a library

We have something for everyone and it's free and easy to join. We have 16 libraries, a home library service and a children’s book bus.

Conservation areas

Certain parts of the city have been designated as conservation areas due to their special historic and architectural significance. There are currently 25 conservation areas in Leicester, each of unique character and quality.