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Your search for town hall returned 37 results.
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Connecting Leicester has seen a number of significant improvements to create and provide a safe and connected city. You can see completed transport projects below.
Understandably, you will have questions about your big day like, who can attend our wedding? What will happen once we arrive on the day? Can we take photos? These are just few questions you may have about your big day!
The renewing your vows ceremony is for any married couple wishing to celebrate renewing their marriage vows in a unique and personal ceremony.
Leicester city centre is easy to get around with many pedestrianised routes, safe bike parking facilities, car parking spaces, free motorcycle spaces, well connected bus routes and easy to follow sign posting.
We appreciate registering a death is a difficult thing to do, and we are here to help make the process as simple as possible.
Full terms and conditions for registration service ceremonies.