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Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

Children have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) if they have a learning difficulty or disability that needs the school or college to make special educational provision.

My child has special needs, what should I do?

The first thing to do is talk to the class teacher. They will discuss your concerns and explain how they can tailor the learning for your child. If you are still concerned following support from the teacher you can speak to a SEND coordinator, who may advise that your child receives additional support.

Sometimes the school may seek advice from an educational psychologist, specialist teacher or speech and language therapist.

Will my child still go to a mainstream school?

Most children with SEND can attend mainstream schools if the parent wishes. We will comply with this request, unless the school is unsuitable to the child's age, ability, aptitude or special educational needs. The placement would also need to be compatible with the efficient education of the other children in the class.

What help is available in school for my child?

There are several education support services for children with special educational needs and their families. These include hearing and visual support as well as help with mental and emotional health issues. 


Will my child get transport to school?

Some pupils who have education, health and care plans are entitled to free home-to-school transport. We will provide transport if:

  • The pupil's education, health and care plan says they require home-to-school transport, usually due to a medical need
  • The nearest suitable school is more than three miles away (two miles if the pupil is under eight).

SEND Local Offer

Leicester’s Local Offer provides information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) their parents or carers.

On the Local Offer website you can:

  • Search for services from a range of local agencies including education, health and social care
  • Find out more about SEND reforms and keep up to date with the scope of the Local Offer as it develops and grows.

Disabled Children's Service

The Disabled Children's Service is committed to supporting disabled children, young people and their families to make sure that they have the same opportunity and experience as other children and young people.