Summer born children
If your child turns five between 1 April and 31 August, you can delay their school start until the September after their fifth birthday and request they start in Reception instead of Year 1 (delayed entry).
If you wish to consider delayed entry for your child, you are required to make an application for the ‘normal’ point of entry for your child. The ‘normal’ year is the academic year during which your child will turn five. This application will need to be made by no later than the deadline of 15 January 2025.
Although, it is best for parents or carers to make a request for delayed entry alongside an application for a school place in the normal admissions round, we accept that this is not always possible. We will, therefore, still consider a request where the parent asks for admissions outside the normal age group which is made after the deadline.
To request for your child to enter a year outside their normal age group, please contact the School Admissions Service:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0116 4541009 (option 1)
We, as the local authority, or the school if it is its own admitting authority, will consider each case on its merits, taking into account the child’s best interest and either agree or refuse the request on that basis. Where we are the admitting authority, we will consult the headteacher(s) of your preferred school(s).
If your request is agreed, you will need to make an application for schools the following year, in the normal way. We will amend our records to adjust your child’s starting school age. The agreement of delayed entry does not affect or guarantee a place at your preferred schools.
If your request is refused, your child will still be considered for admission to their normal age group.
For more information about admission of children outside of their normal age group (includes summer born children), please refer to the admissions arrangements.