Admissions policy and arrangements
Details of admissions policy and arrangements to decide the admissions process.
Determined admission arrangements - how is the policy decided?
We are obliged, by law, to consult on our admission arrangements when we propose a change to the existing ones or every seven years, when there hasn’t been a change. All admission authorities must determine admission arrangements by 28 February every year, even if they have not changed from previous years and a consultation has not been required.
Leicester City Council determined its admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools on 25 January 2025.
For voluntary aided schools, academies and free schools, the governing body or Academy Trust are responsible for determining their arrangements.
Admission arrangements for 2026-27
- Leicester scheme for the admission arrangements for pupils to schools 2026-27
- Admissions criteria for infant or primary schools for 2026-27
- Admissions criteria for junior schools for 2026-27
- Admissions criteria for secondary schools for 2026-27
Admission arrangements for 2025-26
- Leicester scheme for the admission arrangements for pupils to schools 2025-26
- Admissions criteria for infant or primary schools for 2025-26
- Admissions criteria for junior schools for 2025-26
- Admissions criteria for secondary schools for 2025-26