Nurseries and childcare

Search for nurseries and child carers or find out about children's centres. We also provide free learning options for some under fives.
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Early learning places
All three and four year olds are entitled to a funded part-time early education place of up to 15 hours per week during term time. This offer can be extended to 30 hours per week for eligible parents. You can search the MyChoice directory to find nurseries and childcare providers in your area.
Funded early learning for two, three and four year olds
All three and four year olds and some two year olds from low income families are entitled to a free part-time early education place. These places can be taken up with a childcare setting that has been approved to offer the funded places. These settings include pre-schools, nurseries, childminders and nurseries in a school.
Full information about funded early education is available at
School readiness
Information and tips for preparing young children for early education and school is available at
Childcare Sufficiency Assessment
We have a statutory duty to regularly undertake a detailed analysis of the childcare market in the city. The latest version is available to view: