Scheme of delegation
The Constitution sets out matters reserved to Planning and Development Control Committee.
The 'scheme of delegation' describes which development management decisions may be made under delegated powers. A revised scheme was introduced in June 2021.
Subject to these matters as set out in the Constitution, all matters within the terms of reference of the Planning and Development Control Committee which are not reserved to full Council or this Committee are delegated to officers except:
A. Decisions on applications for planning permission, works to, or removal of TPO trees or listed building consent where:
- There have been written objections from six or more different addresses within the city and the officer recommendation is for approval. For the avoidance of doubt, a petition will count as one such submission regardless of the number of signatories
- There has been a request from a Member before the end of the publicity period giving a clear planning reason why an application needs considering by the Committee
- It is a Member’s or City Council officer’s own planning application or any application in which a Member has a disclosable pecuniary interest or other disclosable interest
- The Head of Planning considers that the application should be considered by the Committee
B. Decisions to serve or not serve a formal enforcement notice where:
- There has been a written request from a Member before a formal decision has been made giving a clear planning reason why the matter needs considering by the Committee and taking the matter to a Committee would in the Opinion of the Head of Planning not cause a delay which would hinder a notice being served or increase the risk the breach becoming immune from Planning Enforcement action.
- The Head of Planning considers that the matter should be considered by the Committee
- The officer recommendation is not to take enforcement action where there have been recorded complaints/allegations about a breach from six or more addresses within the city
C. Decisions to confirm Provisional Tree Preservation Orders where there has been an objection to the order, or where the proposed decision is not to confirm the Provisional Tree Preservation Order and there has been a representation in support of confirming the Order.