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Pre-application advice and enquiries

Please note, new charging arrangements are in place from January.

Apply for pre-application advice

We offer a chargeable advice service to help you determine if planning permission is required, before you submit a planning application. If you do require planning permission, we can also provide informal advice to guide you through the process.

Lawful Development Certificates (LDCs)

If you require formal written confirmation on whether you will need to apply for planning permission, it is recommended you submit an application for a Lawful Development Certificate. A successful application will provide you with a statutory document that your proposed use or development is lawful. It can also prove useful if you intend to sell your property in the future.

You can also apply for a certificate for confirmation, if an existing use or development is lawful. Further information and details on how to apply for a LDC can be found on the Planning Portal website.

How we can help with pre-application advice

Our paid for informal advice service can provide informal advice on the suitability of a development proposal. We can also offer informal guidance on how to make a formal submission of a planning application. Our assistance will help ensure you have all the appropriate information from the start, which can help to avoid delays during the process.

Obtaining pre-application advice is not compulsory, but it is advisable as it can result in a resolution of difficult issues prior to submitting a planning application.

Development outcomes are generally better if applicants engage with us early on, as it avoids applications being refused unnecessarily. We therefore encourage and welcome the opportunity to provide advice before an application is made, with the expectation that, at this stage, negotiation will be substantially concluded before a planning application is submitted.

We will work constructively to identify what needs to be done to achieve sustainable development in accordance with the development plan, national planning policy and other material considerations, but we will also be clear where significant policy and technical conflicts are unlikely to be resolved. Our professional advice will always be given in good faith, but this will not be binding on the council, and is given without prejudice, based on the information available at the time when development proposals are submitted. If an application is subsequently submitted which fails to take on board advice given by officer, the local planning authority may refuse it without further discussion with the applicant or their agent. 

If planning permission is required following this advice then the normal planning application fee will apply.

What's included in the pre-application advice service?

Details of our response to your enquiry can vary depending on whether it is a small or large pre-application request.

Our pre-application service will provide you with:

  • An indication as to the acceptability or unacceptability of a proposal, based on the level of information submitted. 
  • An indication where significant policy and/or technical conflicts are unlikely to be resolved, therefore offering the opportunity to avoid further abortive work. 
  • An indication of the issues that need to be addressed, prior to the submission of a formal application. Providing knowledge on how national and local guidance will be applied to your development. 
  • The identification of the need for specialist advice concerning matters such as highways, drainage, urban design, heritage, arboriculture, environmental protection (noise, contamination and pollution), and ecology and biodiversity. 
  • An identification of any Section 106 contributions/ requirements (these may change as a scheme progresses). 
  • Advice on the plans and supporting documents you would need to submit with a formal application (further advice on validation is available via this page Apply for planning permission). 
  • An opportunity to reduce the quantity of negotiations and amendments at the formal application stage (with the expectation that these would be minor in nature and would not result in ongoing incremental changes). 

The level of information will depend on the scale of the proposed development. 

Please note, we do not offer site visits unless the case officer considers this to be essential for assessment of the proposal.

Small pre-application enquiries

Smaller pre-application enquiry responses will include:

  • the main issues
  • concerns we may have with the proposal
  • relevant policies which need to be complied with
  • highlighting any important information to you to consider before applying.

Larger pre-application enquiries

Larger pre-application enquiry responses (categories D to F) will detail all of the above and, where the principle of use is acceptable, will include detailed comments of specialist officers and a comprehensive design review of the proposal.

Pre-application information requirements

What type of information will I need to provide?

The more information you can provide about your enquiry, the more accurate and in-depth our feedback will be. When submitting an enquiry to us, it will need to include the following: 

  • site address
  • description of proposal
  • site plan with the site clearly identified in a red outline
  • existing and proposed floor plans/elevations (a sketch is acceptable for smaller pre-applications)
  • supporting photographs of the site and/or street can be useful. 

The plans submitted do not need to be to scale, however dimensions should be provided in metric. 

Further information required for larger developments

For pre-applications related to larger developments (categories D, E and F on the charging schedule), you will need to provide further information, in addition to the information stated above. To find out what further information will be required, please refer to the Pre-Application Major Development Requirements document (PDF). For applications in the central development area, see also the relevant character area appraisals below. 

If we are not satisfied that the level of information provided is sufficient to enable a comprehensive assessment of the proposal, you will be advised whether a limited, proportionate response will be provided or that additional information will be required (within a specified time) before the enquiry can be processed. If a fee has been submitted for advice without all the necessary information, and the information is not received within 28 days following a written request, the fee will be returned with a £30 deduction for administration costs.  We do not refund fees following the validation of a pre-application submission. 

Types of pre-application enquiries and fees

Category Proposal Initial enquiry response Fee (inc. VAT)

Extra fees (inc. VAT)*

Additional work (undertaken at case officer's discretion) eg site visits and/or meetings, per hour

A Householder - works or extensions to a dwelling occupied by a single household Written response only £120 £120
B One dwelling or up to 100 sq.m non-residential floor space (inc. changes of use)** Written response only £400 £120
C Two to nine dwellings or 100-999 sq.m non-residential floorspace/less than 0.5 ha site area (inc. changes of use)** Written response and meeting*** £1,000 £120
D 10-20 dwellings or 1,000-1,999 sq.m non-residential floorspace/0.5 to one ha site area (inc. changes of use)** Written response and meeting*** £4,000 £240
E 21-100 dwellings or 2,000-9,999 sq.m non-residential floorspace/one to four ha site Written response and meeting*** £6,000 £240
F 101+ dwellings or 10,000 sq.m non-residential floorspace/over four ha site area (inc. changes of use)**  Written response and meeting*** £8,000 £240
G Enquiries on principle of development - major developments  Written response only £120 £120-£400 (dependent on officer seniority)
H Enquiries on existing planning permissions (minors and householders) eg S73/NMA/RMS conditions  Written response only £120 £120
I Enquiries on existing planning permission (major developments) eg section 73/NMA/RMS conditions Written response only £400 £240
J Minor developments eg adverts, public realm works, telecoms etc. Contact to discuss if multiple locations  Written response only £120 £120
K Works to protected trees Written response and site visit £220 £120
L Works to listed buildings Written response and site visit £220  
M Confirmation whether conditions and/or S106 obligations have been complied with - non-major development only  Written response £200  
N Confirmation whether conditions and/or S106 obligations have been complied with - major development  Written response £400  
O Use of 3D models and agreeing AVRs Written response and site visit £240  
P Specialist input on a specific matter or proposal Written response only £400 £240
Q Written requests for planning history of a site Written response only £120 An additional £120 if relating to a complex planning history with multiple records (three or more records) 
R Any other service request not covered above Confirmation of required fee amount and instruction how to submit enquiry only £20 admin charge Full fee to be confirmed once request reviewed
S Pre-application enquiry - resubmission following initial closed case. Admin charge for initial submission. Initial admin fee £20 will be deducted from the final fee 50% of full fee (less £20) providing it is clearly an amended proposal based along the same lines of the original, by the same applicant, and within 12 months of closure of the original pre-application enquiry. 

*Any site visits and/or meetings are at the case officer's discretion and are in addition to a written response. Rates are per case officer and per relevant specialist, as required.

**Includes changes of use to flats or student accommodation, new build, extensions to existing buildings and other changes of use.

***One meeting to discuss response with the case officer only. Further meetings charged as above.

Download our pre-application advice categories and charging schedule (PDF).


Apply for pre-application advice

You can apply for pre-application advice online using the form below. You will need to pay a fee before you can submit the form, depending on the type of enquiry. We will not process any application until the full initial fee (as detailed above) has been paid.

When will I get a response after making an enquiry?

We aim to give you a full response within six weeks. 

Please note that, in some instances, we may need to consult on enquiries, which may take longer. You can discuss timescales for complex and major schemes directly with the case officer.

Additional pre-application advice

Should you wish to submit revised drawings following the initial officer response for further comments, this will incur an additional fee for the next stage of officer consultation and consideration. Any further meeting will only be held at the case officer’s discretion (at additional cost) and where we are satisfied that earlier comments have been addressed positively, otherwise a written response will be given which will conclude the respective pre-application enquiry. 

Resubmissions are charged at 50% of the original fee, providing they are based along the lines of the original scheme, by the same applicant and within 12 months of the original pre-application. 

Any request for a specialist at a meeting following written pre-application advice is charged according to the charging schedule, per specialism/per single technical matter (for example ecology, urban design, conservation, transport etc).

Guidance for central development area developments

For applications in the central development area, please find below character area townscape analysis and design guidance documents to assist scheme development: