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Have your say on leisure centres

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Our Active Leicester memberships start from as little as £25.70 a month, and one price gives you access to all seven of our sites. Come and talk to us at one of our centres about becoming a member.

Membership prices

Membership type Standard Direct Debit Standard Annual Corporate (10%) Direct Debit Corporate (10%) annual Concession (25%) Direct Debit Concession (25%) Annual

Gym only







Swim only







Gym, swim and classes







Joint gym, swim and classes







Joint inclusive















How to apply

You can apply by using the 'Join online today' button below and then visit any of our leisure Centres to collect your card.

Check below if you are eligible for our concessionary discounts.

Concessionary rates

An Active Leicester membership also offers concessionary rates on activities; this is up to 25% off all non-member activity prices. To be eligible for a concessionary rate you must fit at least one of the criteria below:

  • Over 60 - DWP letter, bus pass, driving licence or passport
  • Jobseeker’s allowance - stamped form, proof of jobseeker’s allowance
  • Recipient of Universal Credit or other benefits - DWP letter
  • Housing benefit and/or council tax benefit - local authority letter
  • Special needs/disabled person - DWP Letter
  • Dependant partner/carer for above - DWP letter
  • Student studying full-time or part-time at further education college or university - letter from college/university or NUS card.
  • Disabled adult
  • Under 18s - identification with DOB (excluding the Junior Membership)

If any of the above apply, please visit any of our leisure centres with the relevant documents as evidence. The Active Leicester membership card will then be issued.


If you are a carer assisting an individual, you will be required to to sign in at reception on each visit.

As a carer you are not authorised to use the facility for your own use. Abuse of membership and discounts could lead to your membership being cancelled.

Do you have a child with disabilities?

Children and young people under the age of 20 from the city with disabilities, and their carers can obtain further discounts by visiting

Join online
Be sure to register for your Active Leicester card to receive discount across many of our services and keep up to date by signing up to regular newsletters!

man lifting weights
Not sure which membership to sign up to?
Let us know which sports, training facilities or physical activities interest you and we'll get back to you - it's quick and easy!


Looking for Junior memberships?
We have two Junior membership options available for young people aged up to 17.


Looking for cycle hub registration?
Gain access to St Margaret’s cycle hub via an Active Leicester card

Got a question for us?

Active Leicester enquiry form