Early help
Children and young people can experience a range of difficulties at any time in their life. Early help services are for children and young people of any age and can be supported from all kinds of services and organisations who work together to support the family.
Quick links
You might be using some of these services already, but we want to make sure they are providing the right support for you and your family’s needs.
There is now one front door response and one number to call to request our early help services, an early help assessments and a referral to children's social care. Please refer to Use One Number (PDF) for more information.
We accept self referrals or from someone working with you such as a teacher, health professional or support worker. During the assessment, the family will be fully involved and listened to which will help find the right support that is required.
For more information call 0116 454 1004, send an email to [email protected] or read Use One Number (PDF).
Support the family
Our strategy for the next three years is a culmination of our development as a partnership to support children, young people and their families using a multi-agency team around the family approach. Our priorities are informed by our local evaluation report of the effectiveness of early help, our quality assurance processes and what families and our data tells us.
A key strength of the strategy is underpinned by Leicester’s Families Outcomes Plan reflecting our partnership priorities for the next three years, clearly setting out the outcomes we expect to achieve as a result.
An evaluation of Leicester's early help model
We have completed an evaluation of our early help model which details the city council's early help offer and incorporates progress for Leicester’s troubled families programme for phase two (2015 -2019). The programme runs from 2015-2020 therefore this report will be updated at the end of the programme to provide the full five year evaluation. This report also includes an assessment of the impact of the troubled families programme on the delivery of early help services from a range of partners across Leicester City.
Connexions is the careers service for young people. We offer advice and guidance on finding a job, training course or apprenticeship in Leicester. Find out more on the Leicester Employment Hub website