It's Fizz Free February
This February, Leicester City Council are encouraging citizens, families, and organisations to go Fizz Free!
Fizzy drinks are the largest single source of sugar for children aged 11 to 18. They provide an average of 29% of daily sugar intake, with most containing 6 or more teaspoons of sugar per can.
Fizz Free February is a great way to reduce your sugar intake by cutting out fizzy drinks. By committing to going fizz free for the entire month of February, it will make cutting down on fizzy drinks easier for the rest of the year.
Fizz Free February was launched by Southwark Council (Fizz Free February - Southwark Council) in 2018, as a way to reduce fizzy drink consumption across the London borough.
In 2019, SUGAR SMART (Sustain) joined forces with Southwark to recognise the importance of spreading the word and sharing #gofizzfree messages nationally.
Fizzy, carbonated or soda drinks can have a negative impact on our health for several reasons. This can include:
• Weight gain due to high sugar content
• Increased risk of tooth decay and acid erosion
• High consumption of caffeine
• Dehydration
It is important to note that not all fizzy drinks are the same, as some may contain higher levels of caffeine or artificial sweeteners. However, moderation is key, and swapping the fizz for healthier alternatives this month, will help you stay on track to reducing your fizz intake for the rest of the year.
For more information on how to stay hydrated and to find out which drinks could help you kick the fizz, check out:
• Water, drinks and hydration - NHS (
For hints and tips when sugar swapping or to find out you and your family can cut down, check out:
- Healthier food swaps - Food facts - Healthier Families - NHS (
- Sugar: the facts - NHS (