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Support to live at home

A wide range of support is available to help you carry on living in your own home. Some of this support is free and some of it has to be paid for.

Adult social care may not provide all the support you require, however help may be available. See links below:

  1. Everyday tasks such as washing, dressing, shopping, paying bills and cooking meals
  2. Equipment to help you, such as specialist chairs or beds, and electronic medicine dispensers
  3. Adaptations to your home, such as grab rails, low or level access shower and ramps
  4. Home repairs and gardening, through our handy person service
  5. Someone to help you, such as a personal assistant
  6. Somewhere to live with extra care.
  7. Community equipment loan service to support your daily living.

Elsewhere on the web

Below are useful guides and factsheets about support to live at home:

  1. Age UK
  2. Independent Age
  3. First Stop Care Advice

The NHS Choices website has information on aspects of care at home:

  1. self-care
  2. urine and bowel incontinence
  3. home care
  4. equipment and adapting your home
  5. advice if you are feeling lonely
  6. safety at home.

Guides and factsheets on social care and support are available at  Age UK and Independent Age.

Contact us

Ring us on: 0116 454 1004