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Preparing for adulthood

We work closely with colleagues in children's social care to ensure the move from one service to another is smooth for young people.

We work with young people who are leaving school, usually aged between 16 and 18, and have a physical and/or learning disability.

If you are a young person with a physical and/or learning disability your social worker will contact the preparing for adulthood team about you. 

The preparing for adulthood team works with you, your family, carers, schools, health colleagues and Connexions to agree what your care and support needs are, so that you can be as independent as possible. This could include supporting you to find a job or continue in education or training and live in your own home.

An assessment of your needs may be required.

You can view a guide for young people with special educational needs and disabilities, and their parents and carers (linked above).

Is there a cost involved?

Depending on your individual circumstances you may need to contribute towards the cost of any care and support you receive. We will carry out a financial assessment to decide this.

Elsewhere on the web

For wide range of information guides and factsheets to support families of disabled children please visit: