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Our promise

Across adult social care in Leicester, we have co-produced and launched our promise for adult social care, which highlights our priorities and our reasons behind them:

Why are we doing this?

Social care and education vision:

  • we are committed to supporting children, young people, adults, carers, and families to live their best life so they can be safe, be independent, and be ambitious for themselves.

Adult social care vision and outcomes:

  • We want every person in Leicester to live in the place they call home with the people and things that they love, in communities where they look out for one another, doing things that matter to them.
  • Improved morale and satisfaction for people working in Leicester.
  • More sustainable use of resources.

Who is this for?

People drawing on support

People who may need advice or support:

  • We listen to people to understand what matters to them. We make connections and build relationships to improve people’s wellbeing and independence. We avoid planning long-term in a crisis.

People with longer-term needs for support:

  • We work together, using the strengths and resources around the person and from informal and formal services, to achieve their chosen outcomes.

 People working in support

  • We listen to each other to understand what matters. We work well together, innovate and look for solutions, thinking creatively. We keep it simple and reduce bureaucracy and red tape.

What are our aims?

Our priorities 2024-29

Starting with what’s strong:

  • We will focus on what people and those around them can do and can connect to, promoting wellbeing, self-care and self-determination.

Staying at home:

  • We will improve the opportunities for people to live in the place they call home, in their community, both now and in the future.

Being safe:

  • We will support adults with a social care need to manage risks positively and to be safe from harm and abuse.

Successful transition:

  • We will work together to improve support for people and their families during times of transition

A learning organisation:

  • We will listen to people who draw on support, carers, and staff, using this feedback to develop our approach to ASC, with our workforce.

How will we do this?

Our qualities

Our ‘I’ statements – what it feels like to people

  • We are people-centred: I have people who support me, such as family, friends and my community.
  • We reflect: I am supported by people who see me as a unique person with strengths, abilities and aspirations.
  • We achieve and inspire: I have considerate support delivered by competent people.
  • We are connected: I have care and support that is co-ordinated and everyone works well with me and together.

Our ‘we’ statements – what we will do

  • We work in partnership to make sure all our services work seamlessly together from the perspective of the person drawing on support.
  • We make sure that our organisational policies and procedures reflect the duties and spirit of the law without restricting people’s choice and control.
  • We have a ‘can do’ approach which focuses on what matters to people, thinking and acting creatively to make things happen.
  • We work with people as equal partners, combining our knowledge and experience to support joint decision making.

Our language

We use plain, respectful and kind language, avoiding abbreviations and jargon.


View a one-page version of our promise (non-accessible) below: