Learning disability partnership board
The learning disability partnership board helps to make changes in the city that will make a difference to people with learning disabilities and their family carers.

Who are the board members?
It is made up of people with learning disabilities and family carers, as well as a range of statutory, independent and voluntary sector agencies, including the police, the NHS and ourselves.
Chairs: Kate Galoppi, director for adult social care and Commissioning, Leicester City Council, and Zoe Goodwin, learning disability local Leader.
Lead member: Councillor Mohammed Dawood, Deputy City Mayor, adult social care.
Lead officer: Rizwana Hassan, business change and commissioning manager.

The board meets every three months. You can request minutes by emailing [email protected].
The big plan report
Go and view the big plan report page.

Have any questions?
For any queries about the board, please email [email protected].