Dementia care and support

The word dementia describes a set of symptoms that occur when the brain is damaged by certain diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, a series of small strokes, or other neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease.
Quick links
Symptoms and living with dementia
It is important that people who are experiencing any of the symptoms associated with dementia approach their GP as soon as possible. A GP will work to try and eliminate any other potential causes for the symptoms. If you do then receive a diagnosis of dementia, it can open the door to further support available to you and your family, which will help you to plan ahead. Further information about the symptoms of dementia can be found at NHS.UK.
Dementia guide
Whatever your situation, Care Choices offers practical information for people living with dementia and those supporting someone with dementia. You may be a relative, a friend or a member of the community, whatever your role in the person with dementia’s life. Care Choices has produced a guide to help inform you about dementia and living with the condition on a daily basis.
- View the online guide at
- Request a free printed copy by ringing: 01223 207770
What support do we offer?
We commission the Dementia Support Service for people living with dementia and their friends, families or carers. Age UK Leicestershire is our commissioned provider. Go to the Age UK website to find more information about the support that is on offer and to contact the service.
Find out more about this service at MyChoice.
There is also lots of useful information available in this dementia friendly publication on the Care Choices website.
Find out what other help and support is available to you below.
Age UK's Dementia Support Service
- Personalised one to one support
- Information, advice and signposting
- Post diagnostic support
- Social groups and activities
- Informal carer learning sessions
- Digital resources
Tel: 0116 223 7363
Email: [email protected]
Age UK (Leicester Carers Support Service)
- Peer support and one to one support for carers over the age of 18
- Opportunities for carers to take part in relaxing activities
- Information, advice and guidance to enable carers to feel more knowledgeable and confident about their caring role and the person they care for
- Carer learning opportunities for carers to improve understanding of support available to support carers’ physical and emotional wellbeing
Also provides free independent, confidential information and advice to people over 50 and their carers.
Address: Clarence House, 46 Humberstone Gate, Leicester, LE1 3PJ
Tel: 0116 222 0538
Email: [email protected]
Website: Leicester Carers Support Service
Further information for families and carers can be found on our support for carers page.
Admiral Nurses at Leicester Hospitals
Admiral nurses provide specialist dementia support to families with complex needs. The service in Leicester’s hospitals has been established in partnership with Dementia UK.
Find out more about Admiral Nurse availability in Leicester by:
Tel: 0800 888 6678
Email: [email protected]
Shared Lives
Shared Lives is a care service helping people live independent lives. Shared Lives carers work from their own homes to provide day care, short term respite or long term live in arrangements for adults who have social care needs. For more information visit our shared lives page.
Further information
For more information on a wide range of local services available to carers in local areas, please visit the MyChoice website.
Although currently, there is no certain way of preventing dementia, there is good evidence that a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of developing it. For resources to support a healthy lifestyle, such as healthy eating, exercise and smoking reduction visit the following sites:
Contact Us
Phone: 0116 454 1004