Independent Visitors for Looked After Children

Independent Visitors are befrienders for looked after children. Young people who are in care and live in foster care or residential children’s homes sometimes don’t see their families or may only have occasional visits. It can help to have a person separate from their Social Worker or carer to visit them who takes them out for activities and gets to know them.
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Young people who are in care and live in foster care or residential children’s homes sometimes don’t see their families or may only have occasional visits.
It can help to have a person separate from their Social Worker or carer to visit them who takes them out for activities and gets to know them. Independent Visitors who are volunteers for Leicester City Council are fully supported and trained.
What do you do together?
Your role is to meet with the young person on a monthly basis, listen to what they have to say, offer advice and support when needed and have fun. You can take them on outings and activities such as walking, bowling, visiting museums, football or other places where you share interests. You might help them to speak up for themselves and put over their views about their care and future plans. The time you spend together is their special time.
Is it for me?
If you want to make a positive difference in the life of a young person, this service could be just want you're looking for. You need to be over 21 years old, have a good sense of humour along with a great deal of patience and understanding. You will also need to be able to drive and have a commitment to a relationship with a young person who will grow to depend on your time together.
Most Independent Visitors meet up with the young person for 3-4 hours each month on a weekend day. This can vary depending on the young person's needs or if you plan a big day out. The scheme is voluntary, although visitors are fully reimbursed for all their expenses. The service supports children and young people between the ages of 7-19 years old.
How long will I be involved with a young person?
Young people may outgrow the need for a visitor or move on. At this stage, if you wish to continue in the service, we will introduce you to another young person who needs you. Many visitors remain friends with the young person throughout their childhood and teenage years and go on to stay in touch with them as adults.
What to do next
All kinds of people become Independent Visitors, whatever their circumstances. You could be single or in a relationship, however, the scheme does not allow couples to befriend the same young person. There is a dedicated coordinator who will support you along every step of the way. You can expect excellent support and preparation before you begin which continues once you are matched with a child or young person.
We discuss which age group you are interested in supporting and look at the skills you bring to the service to ensure we achieve a great match between young person and visitor.
If you are thinking about volunteering to be an Independent Visitor, we would love to talk to you. For a discussion or more information about becoming a volunteer, please call 0116 454 4557 or email [email protected].