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Managing your money

As you leave care we want to support you to become a financially independent adult.

Support available

We know that managing your money can be hard, so we will help you by:

  • Helping you to access financial advice through Citizens Advice or the Money Helper website.
  • Helping you to open a bank account.
  • Working with our department of work and pensions champion to help you claim for the benefits you are entitled to.
  • Helping you get your national insurance number if you don’t have one or you can’t remember it.
  • We’ll be there to help you in an emergency – we know that sometimes things go wrong, so we will be there to support you through it – we offer payments in lieu of benefits and emergency payments at times you really need them.
  • We offer a setting up your home grant for purchasing items such as your furniture, carpets and electricals.
  • Your leaving care advisor will also support you looking into any grants, discounts or other sources of funding that may be available to you in your particular circumstances. 
  • Help towards your health costs – for example, prescriptions, dental care or glasses.

Depending on your situation you may also be entitled to:

Child Trust Fund and Junior ISA

You will have a Child Trust Fund or Junior ISA bank account from when you were in care. It is made up of money paid in by the government and sometimes Leicester City Council. You can either access it when you turn 18, leave it where it is, or take it out or transfer it to another bank account.   Your social worker or leaving care advisor will be able to tell you more about your account and how to access it.

Further details can be found on the Share Foundation website.

Supporting you with employment, education and training programmes

We will help you receive the financial support you are entitled to if you are in employment, education and training programmes.  This may depend on your age, type of course and other circumstances. For example:

  • Registration and examination fees
  • Textbooks and software specified as essential
  • Activities essential to meet course requirements
  • Public transport between home and place of learning
  • Transport to open days and interviews
  • Specific clothing, including clothes for interview and essential equipment relating to the course

If you are 18 or 19 and in full-time education you may be entitled to the 16 to 19 bursary fund.  This can be up to £1200 per year. Care leavers are a priority group for this funding. 

If you are 20 or over, we can also help you to access other sources of funding to support you into education and training. 

Supporting you at university

We are committed to support you to succeed at university. Your leaving care advisor will support you to apply and prepare for university, and continue to support you throughout your course, if that is what you would like to do. We will work with you to ensure you have accommodation, transport, equipment and financial support. We will also help you to apply to any care leaver grants or bursaries that may be available to you at your university.

Extra help for young parents

You may be entitled to help with childcare costs. See our family information website for more information;