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Health and wellbeing

Looking after yourself is really important and we want to give you all the support you need, to be as physically, mentally and emotionally healthy as possible.

Accessing services

Your leaving care advisor can help you to access health professionals and services:

  • Give you information on healthy living.
  • Give you information on getting help to pay for prescriptions.
  • Support you to register with a local GP, dentist and/or optician.
  • Give you information about counselling services and adult mental health services that are available locally.
  • Support you to move from CAMHS to adult services.
  • Give you help with transport costs when attending health appointments.
  • If you become pregnant and would like to speak to someone about this, please contact your nurse or leaving care advisor who can support you and help you to access relevant services. If you are a young parent, we will support you to do the best for them.
  • Offer free or subsidised access to the leisure centres we run.
  • Work with you to develop an understanding of key health information from your childhood (for example, when and if you have had immunisations) and your current health needs in a document called your ‘health summary’.
  • Give you information about local sexual health clinics and support, including how to access contraception. You can find out more at Leicester Sexual Health services.

If you have a disability or additional health needs

If you have a disability or health needs, your social worker will start to work with you usually when you are about 14 (though this can be later) to look at what might be the best housing and support options for you when you leave care.  If appropriate, you will be introduced to a new worker who will support you when you turn 18 and will work out if you can get on-going support from Adult Social Care

NHS Choices

Search NHS Choices for information on everything from the common cold and sickness to symptoms of sexually transmitted infections, information about contraception, and help to identify the symptoms of depression.

Health for Teens

Health for Teens provides information on health and wellbeing for teenagers including sexual health, sexuality, relationships, drugs & alcohol, feelings & lifestyle. Get information on a range of physical and emotional health topics, from healthy eating and body image to managing stress online.

Mental wellbeing

Vita health group provides a wellness and mental health recovery service tailored to meet individual needs. 

Turning Point

Turning Point is a dedicated specialist service focusing on drugs and alcohol support for those under 25. They offer a variety of treatment options and will support young people to find the right treatment for them.