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Have your say

We want to hear what you have to say and enable you to affect our support and services.

There are several participation groups you can get involved in:

  • Young People’s Council - For young people aged 11 – 18 years, democratically elected with a term of office of 2 years. Work on council scrutiny, campaigns on young people’s issues, political engagement.
  • Big Mouth Forum - Forum for young people with special educational needs and disabilities. Young people help shape disabled children’s service, support with staff training and recruitment.
  • Care Experienced Consultants - Consultants who are all care leavers. They work on projects with the council and partners. Supports work of the corporate parent forum and transitions board.

If you are interested, speak with your leaving care advisor.

What to do if you're having a problem or want to make a compliment / complaint

We know it’s not always easy to speak out, but it’s your right to say how you feel about things that affect you and to be listened to..

You could try talking to:

  • Your Social Worker
  • Your Leaving Care Advisor
  • Your Key Worker
  • Someone who looks after you
  • A Children’s Rights Officer – who will make sure you know your rights and that you are treated fairly. To contact a children’s rights officer, email

What if you are not satisfied with our response?

You can contact the Complaints Manager by calling 0116 454 2430 or email