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Family and relationships

We realise how important positive and supportive relationships with family, friends and others can be to living a happy, safe and successful life. So, we will support you to have a strong and safe support network around you.

Help creating a support network

If you want to, your leaving care advisor can advise and support you to get in touch with people who are special to you or who cared for you in the past.  They can also support you to re-connect with family in cases where it will be a positive step for you.  They can help you to develop healthy relationships with friends and family and help you keep safe. 

Befriending and mentoring

Our befriending and mentoring programme has been set up in partnership with a provider called Goal 17.

Each mentor can provide emotional support and life skills training, such as how to manage your money or how to cook your favourite dinner!

If you are interested in being matched with a mentor, all you need to do is contact your leaving care advisor and they can help you to sign up.

Understanding your life history

If and when you want to we will help you to understand your time in care and your life history, including your case files.  This can include support to trace your family if needed and support with extra emotional support if you need it as we understand this can be a challenging time.

Personal relationship support

If you find yourself in relationships that you feel are difficult, that are making you unhappy, your leaving care advisor can offer support.

Your leaving care advisor will always respect your gender and sexual identity. They can help you access services that offer support with your sexual and gender identity needs. You can also find support from organisations in the city like  The LGBT CENTRE and TRADE Sexual Health.

Your leaving care advisor can also give you advice and help you to challenge any discrimination you face as a care experienced adult. We are proud of you, and you should be to.

If you are a parent

Your leaving care advisor can help you find support if you are pregnant or have a young child. Children’s centres are great places to find things like parenting groups and other support for young families with children under 5.

Our early help offer brings together a range of services to support children, young people and their families who need some additional help.