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Leicester Market

Leicester’s Market has a proud history of over 700 years. The Market Place was first recorded in 1298 and later mentioned by Queen Elizabeth I in a 1589 charter as the “Saturday Shambles.”

Market trading history in Leicester

Market trading has taken place across several locations in the city. Corn was sold at the Saturday market, Hay outside Eastgate and later in Humberstone Gate. There was a cattle market in Loseby Lane, a swine market at the end of the High Street and a Highcross Wednesday market selling dairy, produce, vegetables and fruit.

By the late 1800s Leicester’s rapid growth meant that selling animals in the city centre was unacceptable. So in 1872 a new cattle market opened on Welford Road and the sheep, horse and swine markets moved there too.

Gradually the Saturday market became busier and by the 1850s it was held on three days each week. In 1884, Wednesday’s Highcross market was moved to the Market Place to join Saturday’s trading day. Leicester’s market now operates six days a week, closing on Sundays.

Major refurbishment works

The market is undergoing refurbishment works and during this time a temporary market has been created on Green Dragon Square.

48 stalls and 10 container units have been installed under a weatherproof canopy, ensuring that trading can continue during the works.

Opening hours

  • Green Dragon Square, LE1 5HB: Monday to Saturday, 8am to 5pm
  • Bank holidays: closed excluding Good Friday


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