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Invest in Leicester

We've lots of ambition and Leicester has a fabulous offer for business, residents and visitors alike. Find out about our current grants which may interest you.

Invest in Leicester is the first point of contact for businesses looking to expand, locate and invest in Leicester and Leicestershire. 

Our tailored service offers a range of practical information, support, and advice essential for businesses looking to expand into a new area, including: 

  • Market information and statistics on the local economy, demographics, infrastructure, and labour market
  • Advice on land and property availability and costs
  • Guidance on available finance and funding schemes
  • Access to recruitment and training programmes and professional expertise
  • Tailored visits to the area and introductions to business ambassadors
  • Access to professional and supply chain networks

Visit our Invest in Leicester website to find out more about how we can support your business with free and impartial advice.

Other funding

If you are starting or currently in business and looking for finance, visit the Business Gateway website, which will provide details of all funding opportunities within Leicester and Leicestershire.