About us

We serve the people, communities and businesses of Leicester, the biggest city in the East Midlands.
We are a unitary authority, which means we take responsibility for many of the major decisions which affect people’s lives. This includes decisions around schools, roads and setting council tax.
How we’re organised
Leicester residents voted in Peter Soulsby as our first City Mayor in 2011. He was re-elected for a fourth term in May 2023.
We have 54 councillors representing 21 wards across the city: they are voted in at local elections.
How we work
We work to a constitution which sets out the basic principles of how we operate, what decisions can be made, and by who.
We hold council meetings and community meetings which are open to the public, and we hold consultations about our important decisions where appropriate.
Our staff
We are Leicester’s biggest employer with more than 11,000 staff, who are responsible for delivering services to a diverse range of customers.
You can find out about our current job vacancies, and also our commitment to equality and diversity.