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Welford Road Cemetery

Welford Road Cemetery, is open every day of the year. There are no new graves available here but interments can be arranged in existing graves where there is still space.

The site was opened in 1849 and is still in use today. It is more than 12 hectares in size with around 10,000 headstones and 35,000 graves, and is a Grade II listed site.

The cemetery’s visitor centre can be found near the main entrance in Welford Road. It is open to the public from 10am to 4pm on Friday, and 10am to 1pm on Saturday and Sunday. The centre is staffed by the Friends of Welford Road Cemetery.

Visitor centre

The cemetery’s visitor centre can be found near the main entrance on Welford Road. It is open to the public from 10am to 4pm on Friday, and 10am to 1pm on Saturday and Sunday. The centre is staffed by the Friends of Welford Road Cemetery and has information, leaflets and a public toilet suitable for disabled visitors.

For help outside of these hours please contact the Friends via their website.

Wildflower area

Welford Road Cemetery wildflower areas are to maintain and protect a decreasing inner-city habitat and monitor native flora and fauna within the cemetery.

At no time is it our intention to impede any visitor and instructions can be given to cemetery staff, on request, that any area around an individual’s grave can be mowed and left clean and tidy for them.

The entire wildflower meadows will be mowed within the months of June and July after flowering and all cuttings will be removed.

Friends of Welford Road Cemetery

The Friends of Welford Road Cemetery are a small voluntary group dedicated to the history and conservation of the cemetery. The Friends staff the Visitor Centre and welcome all visitors to the cemetery. They can provide help and advice for those people trying to track down relatives buried at the cemetery, and to help with family tree research. The Friends hold regular talks and events. You can contact the Friends of Welford Road Cemetery at the Welford Road Visitor Centre, or by visiting their website.

General information leaflet

The leaflet provides a useful map and general information about Welford Road Cemetery. This leaflet can be found at the bottom of this page.

Memorial plaques leaflet

One hundred notable Victorians and Edwardians are buried here and many have interesting histories. They have been commemorated on special memorial plaques on the site of the former cemetery chapels. Each plaque is displayed on a granite slab and has an abbreviated obituary with a grave number.

This leaflet can be found at the bottom of this page.

Where to find us

Welford Road
Leicester, LE2 6BB

Telephone: 0116 454 1016
Fax: 0116 373 7330