Connecting Leicester

Connecting Leicester continues to be central to my vision to create and provide a connected, safe and family friendly city. To create a thriving city, I have delivered a number of significant improvements to enhance the connections between shopping, leisure, heritage, housing and transport.
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Our city certainly has a rich heritage, with many hidden gems, and the Connecting Leicester activities have brought together the many special buildings and places through a series of key projects.
Together, these changes revolve around:
- Removing barriers that make it difficult for people to move from one area to another
- Making the city an attractive destination for shoppers, visitors, businesses and investors as well as a great place to live
- Connecting different parts of the city centre and reducing the dominance of roads to help create an attractive and pedestrian-friendly environment
- Helping businesses to flourish and to attract new visitors to what we know is an interesting and exciting place.
Continuing to evolve and develop the Connecting Leicester programme is vital for ensuring that Leicester is a successful city that will experience prolonged growth. The programme will see further transformation of Leicester into a city where every citizen feels like there is a sustainable way of making a journey.
Our ambitious plans have also been supported as a result of a successful bid to the government’s Transforming Cities Fund. A £70million package of work will focus on major sustainable transport improvements to provide attractive choices for people to get to work, support the city’s growth and deliver on the council’s climate emergency, air quality and healthy living commitments. See the link below for the Strategic Outline Business Case submitted to the Department for Transport in November 2019.
This follows on the Council’s earlier successful bid in 2019 which secured nearly £8million from the Department for Transport in its first round of TCF funding. Future schemes include the development of new bus priority corridors linking to city neighbourhoods and suburbs and continuing to develop the network of high-quality cycling and walking routes throughout the city.
You can find out more about ongoing Connecting Leicester and Transforming Cities Fund projects below.
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